Protestant Confirmation Gifts
- A Protestant confirmation marks the beginning of a young person's adult spiritual journey.Michelangelo Gratton/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Confirmation in the Protestant church signifies a self-proclaimed commitment to the Protestant faith. The ceremony marks a coming-of-age for the child, at which point the church community considers him an adult within the faith. Gifts are typically offered by those who attend, and can reflect traditional and modern aspects of the faith. - The Bible is a traditional confirmation gift, typically given by the sponsor or a close family member. A leather, unabridged version is appropriate and will give the young man or woman a sense of accomplishment on becoming an adult in the faith. You can choose how decorative or austere the Bible is, based on the young person's personality. For an added personal touch, have her full name, confirmation date and church embossed in the leather.
- For a young woman, or even for a young man, who is ordinarily unimpressed with jewelery, a confirmation pendant or small metal is a beautiful gift that recognizes the young adult's rite of passage into adulthood. For a young man, a small pendant with a prayer or cross allows him to brilliantly display his affirmation of faith. For a young woman, a pearl or gold cross necklace is a sparkling display of her faith that she will cherish for years to come.
- A book about coming of age in the Protestant faith is a touching and thoughtful gift for a young man or woman. Most religious bookstores and online companies offer books specifically for young adults of faith. This gift provides him with an opportunity to further explore his relationship with God and his role as a young Christian man. Write a personalized message inside the front cover to demonstrate your pride and love.