Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Information About Lilac Syringa


    • Lilacs are bushes or small trees belonging to the genus Syringa. There are 23 different species of lilacs to date, according to John L. Fiala's "Lilacs: The Genus Syringa."


    • The lilac derives its scientific name from a Greek legend, in which the god Pan turned the nymph Syrinx into a hollow reed. The word "syrinx" means "hollow stem."


    • Lilacs are often deep blue or purple in color, although they also can be a shade of off-white. Their color depends on the region in which they grow. In cool, damper weather, they generally are darker purple colors, while in bright, sunny weather, they are a bright magenta or off-white.


    • Lilacs have been an important part of landscaping over the centuries. They are hardy plants with a long flowering period and can be counted on year after year for weeks of bright color and intoxicating fragrance.


    • Lilacs generally are undemanding once planted. To succeed, they need only good drainage, good soil, sunlight and pruning, according to Fiala's book.

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