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Choosing An Energy-efficient Dishwasher

Saving money by using energy-efficient appliances is simple. All a homeowner has to do is make a wise purchasing decision when choosing one and then you can sit back and enjoy the savings for years to come. In the case of your dishwasher, the largest cost of operation is the cost of the electricity used to heat the water that will be used during the washing process. It might surprise you to know that if you have a large family or if you wash dishes often during the course of the day, you might actually save money by using an efficient dishwasher rather than washing them by hand. However, for many people, the question isn't whether or not to hand wash your dishes, but which dishwasher to purchase. So when looking for our next dishwasher, we need to be looking for a model, make sure to choose one with a great EnergyGuide rating, selectable cycle settings, and a booster heater.

The standard for appliances in the United States is the EnergyGuide ratings established by the Department of Energy. This is the tool that consumers can use in determining which unit is the most efficient in its use of energy. These ratings are attached to the units in the store and are pretty easy to read. But this number alone is not enough for a consumer to make his purchasing decision. Beyond that, the actual usage is equally important. The two main categories of dishwashers are compact and standard. While compact models tend to be labeled as the more energy-efficient models, they will hold fewer dishes meaning you may have to use it more often than a standard capacity dishwasher. When deciding which model is right for you and your family, keep the wash size and frequency in mind.

When you are looking at the various models available, look for a model that will allow you to select from multiple cycle settings. When a unit will allow you select shorter cycles, you will use less water to wash your dishes. This results in less hot water being used which means more savings for you. Additionally, you get the satisfaction that comes from knowing you are conserving water as well.

If you want to get the best savings possible, take a look at dishwashers with a booster heater built into it. This clever addition will heat the water as it enters the dishwasher which means that you can lower the temperature setting on your hot water heater and save energy. These will cost a little more but the energy savings will be more than worth it over the long run.

We all have to purchase new appliances over the course of our lives and when we do, it is important for our wallets that we make good choices. One of the most widely used appliances in our homes is the dishwasher and by making an energy-efficient choice, we can save energy and money year after year. So, buy an energy-efficient model and, of course, be sure to always wash full loads.

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