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How to Use a Dremel to Cut Nails

    • 1). Put on a pair of safety glasses to protect your eyes from sparks and flying debris.

    • 2). Use the thumb of one finger to depress the collet lock button and use your other hand to loosen the collet nut with the collet wrench by turning it clockwise.

    • 3). Insert the abrasive cut off disk bit into the collet of the Dremel.

    • 4). Tighten the collet nut securely using the wrench and collet lock, turning the collet nut counter-clockwise.

    • 5). Grasp the Dremel firmly in your palm with your thumb and forefinger even with the collet lock button. This will allow you maximum ability to control the Dremel while cutting the nail.

    • 6). Cut into the nail with the side of the disc with the Dremel at full speed, cutting roughly three-quarters of the way through the nail.

    • 7). Use pliers or your fingers to snap the nail off at the cut.

    • 8). Grind the snapped off part of the nail smooth with the flat part of the abrasive disk, if desired.

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