Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Liposuction - What is Endermologie Treatment?

Several non-invasive procedures have been developed to simulate the results of surgical procedures.
The Endermologie system is one that can allow you to put off liposuction if you aren't ready for surgery.
Here's how the system works and the results you can expect from this treatment: First of all, because it is non-invasive, then you know that there is no actual fat removal like with liposuction.
Instead of a cannula to suck out the fat, the Endermologie system utilizes massaging rollers and suction that manipulate the underlying layers of fat.
The purpose is to reduce the appearance of cellulite and reposition fat pockets.
The rollers move over the treatment area, gathering the tissue-folding and unfolding the skin and tissue until it lays flatter and smoother.
After the treatment, you should see a visible difference in the cellulite.
The area may also appear to more toned and contoured.
However, this is a temporary solution.
Over the months following the treatment, fat deposits will gravitate back to their original position.
Unlike liposuction that permanently removes these cells, Endermologie requires routine maintenance to keep up your results.
But, this procedure is quite convenient in that you could actually do it on your lunch break.
It takes about 30-45 minutes depending on the size of the treatment area.
There is also no recovery time so you can go right back to work.
You may be sore for a day or two like you've had a deep tissue massage, but there really should be no pain involved.
And, if your problem is too mild to justify surgery like liposuction, this is an easy and less expensive solution.
This procedure is not just good for reducing the dimpling of cellulite; it also improves circulation and the flow of lymph fluid in the area.
This leads to overall healthier tissue which leads to better skin tone and healthier appearance of the skin.
The massaging motion is relaxing and can aid in relaxing tense muscles.
You can get this procedure done at most day spas, medical spas or plastic surgeons office.
Whoever you have perform the procedure, make sure she is certified and trained in the actual Endermologie system.
Though it is non-invasive, you can still be injured if the rollers are used improperly.
That cottage cheesy look is certainly not what you want to see when you look in the mirror.
Whether it is on your thighs, buttocks or abdomen, Endermologie can reduce the appearance of the dimples.
Cellulite is a stubborn monster and even the thinnest person can have it.
If you aren't yet ready for surgery or your situation is mildly annoying, this procedure is perfect for you.
However, for a permanent solution, liposuction is the only answer and even then, the appearance of cellulite may only be reduced.

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