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How to Repair a Hydraulic Line

    Repairing Hard Hydraulic Lines

    • 1). Cut the damaged section from the hydraulic lines with a hacksaw.

    • 2). Slide a round file around and inside both exposed ends of the hydraulic line with a round file. Flare both opens ends of the line with a 37-degree flaring tool.

    • 3). Measure the distance between the open ends of the line with a tape measure. Add 6 inches to the measured length.

    • 4). Cut a piece of rubber hose to the needed length with a utility knife.

    • 5). Coat the inside of both ends of the rubber hose with sealing compound.

    • 6). Slide four hose clamps onto the rubber hose.

    • 7). Push both flared ends of the hydraulic line into the rubber hose. Center the hose over the removed damaged section of hydraulic line.

    • 8). Slide two hose clamps to each end of the rubber hose.

    • 9). Tighten the hose clamps with a Phillips screwdriver.

    Repairing Flexible Rubber Lines

    • 1). Cut the damaged section from the hydraulic line with a utility knife.

    • 2). Measure the distance of the open area between the ends of the rubber line with a tape measure. Add 6 inches to the measured length.

    • 3). Slide a round file around the cut ends of the hard tubing. Flare both ends of the pipe with a 37-degree flaring tool.

    • 4). Coat the outside of the flared hard tubing with sealing compound.

    • 5). Slide two pipe clamps onto each open end of the rubber line.

    • 6). Push each flared end of the hard tubing into the open end of the rubber line.

    • 7). Tighten the hose clamps with a Phillips screwdriver.

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