Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Using IQ SQ EQ to Get Where You Need to Be!

"Once Decision can change your life forever.
" Anthony Robbins.
One decision that's all.
It does not have to be huge and overwhelming not thousands at once - just one! What is that decision? I WILL have the life I want! Having made the decision you then take the next step, and the next step and the next! Now this first decision does not require IQ, nor SQ but EQ.
Wondering what I am talking about? Well IQ you know - it's your intelligence quotients SQ social quotient.
And EQ is emotional quotient You may remember how you sucked at maths but were brilliant at drama! Well I bet it was the high SQ EQ rating you have that gave you that edge at drama where as the class Einstein was hopeless at it! In the school yard the class dunce was the genius at trading marbles - that was his high SQ kicking in.
He had amazing negotiating skills and every one liked him! Today education systems are finally realising that we need to develop skills in all these areas if we are to achieve progress in the adult world.
I am proud to say that here in Western Australia many teachers are now making big efforts to allow for this.
Students are given learning experiences that tap into all three aspects and even the evaluation exercises are now more likely to give opportunity to use all three (IQ SQ EQ).
As a science teacher I can give you an example.
I might set a problem like a first aid scenario - boy falls off his bike and breaks his arm.
Students are to present the first aid required to help this person.
Students would work in a team (SQ) and produce a presentation to me and the class demonstrating the techniques for treatment and also explaining the science behind their actions (IQ).
There would be a team leader and I would assess how they have planned the presentation and worked together as a team.
(SQ EQ) Now you can see this is far more expansive in its possibilities than simple science test given after students read the textbook or first aid manual.
Now one thing I saw very quickly when I changed my approach to incorporate IQ SQ EQ - the girls started to excel past the boys! You see there are actually some differences between the boys and girls that traditional education techniques had not allowed for.
Women have been renowned for their social and emotional awareness for years.
Our education systems have, in the past, largely ignored this and therefore denied many the chance to show their skills and ability.
I was reading the Sunday paper and came across an article by Scott Pape Blonde Ambition.
(Scott argues that the gender genie is out of the investment bottle).
In the article he discusses the different investing strategies used by men and women.
In general women do better than men - not because of the markets but the behaviour of the female investor.
Scott goes on to discuss the aspects of the trading styles of men and women and concludes with ".
the truth is, becoming a successful investor isn't tied to your intelligence or education but rather to your behaviour.
Again women seem to have worked this out.
" Now what Scott is talking about is the other 2 of the triad SQ EQ.
Women have strengths in these areas that males often lack.
So when we start looking at wealth creation and investment strategies they often have an edge! Now the good news is you can develop strengths in these other areas just as you developed your intelligence at school for all those years! The web is full of programs and seminars are run all over the world every weekend! You have just one decision! Are you going to take the step to move forward and develop your abilities and educate yourself in a more balanced way? Grab a book, enroll in a seminar, take one little step this week! Good luck to you! John

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