Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Club Games to Play

    Yes or No Game

    • Try this icebreaker game to help everyone get to know each other when a new club starts or when new members join.

      Prepare a series of statements on index cards, such as "I am a morning person," "I am a night owl," "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream," "I love country music" or "I get shy around new people." Select some questions that relate specifically to the club's purpose or types of activities as well.

      Instruct the members of the club to stand up whenever they agree with a statement, and sit down whenever they don't. This will help club members see what they have in common with other members. As they get to know a little about each other, it will give them more to talk about.

    The Name Game

    • Use this game to help members of your club get to know each other's names.

      Have the group sit in a circle. Start the game yourself by giving your name, and an item that starts with the same first letter of your name that you would bring to a picnic. For example, you might say, "I'm Mr. Brown and I'm bringing a basket."

      Play moves to the right. The next player repeats what you said, and then says her name and what she will be bringing. For example, "Mr. Brown is bringing a basket, and my name is Polly and I am bringing a pie."

      Continue around the circle. Each player repeats all the names and items said by the previous players before he states his own. If a player stumbles, have the group help her out. The repetition of the names will help everyone in the group get acquainted.

    Balloon Stomp Game

    • Play this game indoors or outdoors for a chance to burn some energy and have a few laughs.

      Blow up a balloon for each member of the club. Tie a two-foot-long string on each balloon. Tie the other end of each balloon onto a player's ankle.

      Instruct players to try to pop other people's balloons by stomping on them. Players must try to protect their own balloon as they do this. The last person with an intact balloon is the winner.

    Human Knot Game

    • Play this game to promote teamwork and communication as the group tries to solve this dilemma.

      Have players stand in a circle. If your group is very large, it would be best to break them up into smaller groups of six to 10 players each.

      Instruct the players to reach out their right hands. They must then grab the hand of a person directly across from them.

      Have players then hold out their left hands. They must grab the hand of a different player standing across from them. They should not grab the hands of people standing directly next to them.

      Give the players time to try to figure out how to unravel their human knot without letting go of the hands they are holding throughout the game.

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