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How To Find More Reps and Distributors For Your Online Network Marketing Business

Today more than ever network marketers are struggling 'big time' finding more Reps and Distributors for their network marketing business.
There are a lot of challenges in building a network marketing business.
Problems reside in the fact that the majority of network marketers are part-time with a lottery ticket mentality.
Also, most compensation plans do not reward marketers from the ground floor.
You literally have to sponsor 1,000's of people to make a full-time or 'life changing income.
' The revolving door in network marketing is also a huge problem.
You literally have hundreds of distributors jumping ship when the going gets tough.
This leads me to the next major challenge that network marketers have, which is CASH FLOW.
If you can solve the CASH FLOW problem in your business you will stay in business.
I should know because I lost thousands of dollars working my butt off doing exactly what my sponsors told me to do.
My problem was NOT my activity, it was the way I was MARKETING.
I was simply working too hard for little or no CASH FLOW because I was not trained to target qualified prospects who were actually looking for what I was offering.
It was like I was throwing mud at the wall and seeing what would stick.
I was prospecting anyone and everyone and getting nowhere.
In my company this was called the 3ft rule.
Not only was this practice a total waste of my time but it paid very little and almost took me out of business.
I have since learned to use technology for marketing my business and it has opened up a whole new world of possibilities.
Today, technology is very powerful.
We can literally communicate with 1,000's of people at the push of a button and create sales on auto-pilot if we are using the right marketing strategies.
Now, let's get to the major point of this article.
To get more Reps and Distributors for your network marketing business you need to follow the formula below.
Following these strategies will leverage your time, brand you as a professional, create upfront CASH FLOW and has allowed me to totally turn my business around and help a lot of other people do the same.
1) You need to grow your value.
What do I mean? You need to become MORE if your are going to attract more.
You do this by reading and listening to personal development on a daily basis.
You also need to become a master at your craft.
You must take time to learn INTERNET MARKETING.
The Internet is so powerful.
You can literally connect with thousands of people at the push of a button.
Imagine all of the people who use cell phones nowadays to text.
Texting as a marketing strategy is a new trend that I'm super excited about.
Imagine communicating with 1,000's of people in your network at the push of a button even while they are offline or driving their car.
2) Showcase PROFESSIONALISM! You need to present yourself as a professional in this industry.
You can begin doing this by networking on forums and social networking sites and by creating your very own blog or website presence online with valuable content that will help others in this industry.
People are attracted to PROFESSIONALS not novices.
3) You need an online marketing system that will create capture pages that market on autopilot and generate prospects on autopilot.
The beauty of having a good online marketing system is that you do not have to be technologically savvy to set up capture pages and the best systems' have built in affiliate revenue programs allowing you to create upfront CASH FLOW for your network marketing business.
This is extremely POWERFUL for you to understand.
CASH is king in business.
Instead of waiting around for the next recruit for your business you can begin building affiliate revenue streams that can then be funneled into your marketing thereby leveraging your efforts and providing you with 100's of prospects a day.
Do you think you could build a network marketing organization if you had a 100 or more prospects a day all looking for a way to make more money from home? 4) Establish and build a marketing budget by learning FREE marketing strategies first like Social networking, Forum marketing, Article marketing, Video marketing, etc.
, and then begin learning PAID strategies like PPC or pay per click marketing.
PPC is a powerful way to generate traffic over to your websites fast.
The possibilities with PPC are endless and is definitely a marketing strategy you will want to learn.
By following this formula you will be well on your way to a six-figure business.
Everything worth while takes an investment of time and resources but the lifestyle you will gain will be priceless.

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