Family & Relationships Conflict

Stop Your Breakup

No matter how destined it seems, no matter how dreadful your relationship is currently, if you want to discover how to stop your divorce now, apply this advice.
You will see an profound improvement in almost any possible relationship - regardless of how terrible things seem! First of all, you absolutely must stop begging and pleading.
Quit it completely..
It just makes you look bad, and people don't want what they have - they want what they can't have! Take a more aloof approach.
It's disgraceful behavior, and repulsive as well.
Don't make promises - making promises and not following through will make you look even worse.
By doing that, what your spouse is actually hearing is 'I can't change.
'Just knock this off entirely.
Let your track record speak, instead of your words.
Next: immediately stop arguing with them.
Don't be defensive - don't defend yourself; don't argue.
It takes two to argue - and remember, even if they are almost completely wrong, they are still a little bit right.
If you demonstrate a willingness to admit being wrong - even if it's only for that little bit, it will lower their will to argue.
Start agreeing - this goes hand in hand with the last one.
Always agree - they will lose their willingness to fight.
If you do this, you'll actually notice them start to defend you! This is a little odd but it works.
It's a very difficult skill to master, and you absolutely must work at it, but it'll be well worth it.
Most of us always try to walk a line between being charitable and being sincere.
If in doubt, err on the side of kindness.
If they look horrible in their new outfit, don't say 'Well, I think it's interesting,' instead say that they look great! Be supportive, that's your calling as a partner.
If it comes down to bold-faced lying, I completely condone it - as long as it's done out of tenderness.
What goes along with this is being more responsive.
Let them know you enjoy the minor things, that you are grateful for them.
Call them up more if that's what they want.
Praise them on the little things.
One of the most common issues in a lot of bad relationships is simply that one or both people feel underappreciated.
Some of this is very odd advice.
If you believe that, think about this - if you knew it all would you be worried about a divorce? Give this advice a shot - really put some work into it, and your relationship will improve dramatically.

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