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What To Do Before Your Coffee Gets Cold

I think whats made the biggest difference for me when it comes to success whether its the success Ive achieved through Wasabi Publicity, Publicity Results,, or success in reaching personal goals is that every day, Im in action. Ive made a personal commitment that every day, before my coffee gets cold, to do something that will move me one step closer to a goal. It may be something as simple as emailing a producer or deciding that today Ill approach three new potential partners. This sets the tone of success for the day.
And my goal for today will be to teach you some science. Lets talk about potential energy, kinetic energy and inertia. Thisll be short and to the point I promise:
Potential Energy: We all know people that have huge potential, but they seem to be stuck. Theyre smart, they have great ideas, but they never seem to take off. All their energy is stored, waiting, but for what?
Kinetic Energy: Then theres those folks filled with kinetic energy, the energy of motion. Theyre the Verbs, the action words in our lives. Truly successful people fall into this category, and have focused their energy toward achieving goals.
And lastly, theres Inertia: The resistance of a body to change its state of motion. A body full of potential energy, waiting for something to make it go kinetic, will probably spend its life waiting. A body full of kinetic energy will keep moving towards it goals, achieve them and move on. Its pretty obvious which camp is better to pitch your tent in.
Being in action every day taking that step before my coffee turns cold is what has made a difference for me and has put me in opportunitys way to inch me forward. And it seems to have made a difference for my clients and students too.

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