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Horse Racing Betting Tips For More Fun at the Races

Most people understand that it is very difficult to make a steady profit betting on horses.
On the other hand, many people want to be able to go to the race track or OTB parlor once in a while and to have a good time and maybe cash a few tickets.
Any profit is greatly appreciated, but the bettors know they are very lucky when they do win.
If you're one of those people who would like to win more often and sometimes even make a profit, here are a few tips from an old horse player.
Start with some simple money management.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket and don't bet all your money early in the program.
If there are 10 races on the card plan on sitting a few of them out and divide your money among the rest of the races.
If you have $80 and wish to bet on 8 races, the amount is obvious.
It would be $10 per race.
Don't get excited and foolishly bet more on a race thinking you'll have more for the later races.
It usually works the other way around.
Another good tip is to stick with lower priced horses for most of your bets.
The top three favorites on the odds board win about 80% or 4 out of 5 races.
Therefore, when you allot your money to each race, go ahead and pick a longshot or two, but then for the majority of the races, say at least 4 out of 5, stick with horses that are in the top three or four morning line picks.
If you can manage to do so, stick with races with 8 horses or less.
Experience has taught me that the more horses in a race the more likely some horse will win that just doesn't seem to figure in the race.
Longshots win more often when the field is large and that only makes sense.
There are more horses to bump or interfere with the favorite and there are more horses that a trainer may be trying something new on such as first time lasix or blinkers, etc.
The more variables there are the more chances for something to happen that you may have overlooked.
While you may not be a great handicapper, here is something you can do to help yourself win more often and also to enjoy the races more.
Watch the horses.
I know this sounds very simple, but the fact of the matter is a horse will tell you how it's feeling with its body language and while a horse may look good on paper so the crowd backs it, it may be sick or feeling a bit off on the day of the race.
It's amazing how many people only watch the horses when they're actually running.
Watch the horses warming up and in the post parade.
See which ones are lively and which ones are confident.
Notice the horse who keeps turning its ears toward the jockey.
That one is in tune with the rider.
It's the little things like that which tip you off and help you to find a good winner at a good price and if a horse looks flat in the post parade, it may save you from backing a loser.

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