Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

When to Prune Gardenia Bushes


    • Pruning is done to thin down or shape the bush. Since younger branches will bear more flowers than older ones, removing older branches can help improve the flower crop. Gardenia flowers typically bloom through May and pruning should be done by early July. A gardenia bush begins setting its buds for next season in mid-July through August. Therefore, if you delay pruning, you may be snipping off next year's flowers. Always use gardening shears that have been cleaned. A dirty, unclean gardening tool can spread disease from one plant to another.


    • Gardening seasons vary from region to region, so if your gardenia bush flowers later in the year, your pruning would be delayed. For example, it is recommended to prune prior to Aug. 10 for North Carolina. It may not be a specific month that is to be remembered when pruning your gardenia bush. If you decide to prune or shape your gardenia bush, do it immediately after it has finished flowering for the season. Complete the task within a month to avoid damaging new buds.

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