Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Learn How the Process of Taking Charge of Our Choices Works

He Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you" Hebr.
The word "forsake" is a compound of three Greek words meaning, leave behind in.
He is not going to leave us behind in this battle of our mind and will.
As we will see, He has a solution.
We have to find out what that solution is for our life and for our career.
God has committed Himself to helping us.
Because He has the loving-kindness to do this for us and the authority and power to accomplish it, we can take charge of our choices through His energizing and by His guidance.
"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" 1Cor.
15:57 Because of God's provision, including His infusion of power and ability, come to us through salvation; that is where we must begin to have God work in our situation and help us on our way.
This is the essential adjustment which makes it possible for us to function as we were originally designed to.
If you have not put your trust in Jesus Christ and this is a very personal matter which only you can determine), God is able to direct us and change us by renewing our mind and replacing old, harmful ways of thinking with a fresh, biblical viewpoint which will bless us as individuals and benefit our description about our life and our destiny.
It will give us the right way in making the right choices for our career and our future.
Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.
Instead, fix your attention on God.
You'll be changed from the inside out.
Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it.
Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you
In other words, don't allow the world around you to press you into its mold, because God has something much better for you.
He wants to transform you.
He is talking about a total change from the inside out and it is an ongoing process.
The key to this change is always in our mind, the control center of our thoughts.
Now is Your Time to Make Right Choices! NOW it's your time to break away from the pack; Choose for New Things in Your Life and Your Life Will be Choice Driven! o Choose Your Thoughts, for they become Words o Choose Your Words, for they become Actions o Choose Your Actions, for they become Habits o Choose Your Habits, for they become Character o Choose Your Character, for it becomes Your Destiny As we grow in this confidence, we begin to choose and desire the best for our life.
When we discover that God's will for us is better than our own choices, we also learn to trust Him concerning the caution signs and the red flag warnings He gives us in the scripture.
No quick rich schemes!! The Bible warns us for that.
So, that would be an easy choice wouldn't it? God's way is to tell us the consequences of certain actions and attitudes; the unpleasant cause and effect of our self-willed choices.
We learn to believe Him, we learn that He is Love and that His intentions toward us are always good.
Next time more about how we can make better choices and implementing those choices.
How are you doing so far? What do you see in your own life; what is your process of making choices? Have you ever made serious thoughts about this subject?

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