How to Train Puppies to Poop
- 1). Place your puppy in a dog crate whenever you cannot give your puppy your undivided attention to prevent the puppy from having poop accidents on the rug. Most dogs, including puppies, will not poop in their bed. This will help your puppy learn patience and teach your puppy to control his bladder and bowels for longer periods.
- 2). Take your puppy outside to go potty immediately after removing the puppy from the dog crate, before putting him in the dog crate and about 30 to 40 minutes after each feeding. First thing every morning and before bed each night, take your puppy outside to go potty. If you see your puppy dancing in circles, pacing back and forth, or sniffing out an area, take your puppy outside to go potty.
- 3). Speak a simple one-word command each time you are ready to take your puppy outside to go potty. Some examples of commands you may want to use are "outside" or "potty." Be sure to use the word consistently every time and tell other family members to use the word as well.
- 4). Praise your puppy with pats, rubs and happy words each time your puppy goes potty where you intended. Only scold the puppy for going potty in the wrong place if you caught him in the act. If you try to scold the puppy at a later time you will confuse him and create fear.
- 5). Place puppy pads in front of doors that lead outside and any place puppy has had an accident in the past, just in case puppy really has to go potty. These pads have scents in them to attracted puppies.
- 6). Move puppy pads a few inches at a time from accident areas toward the door leading outside.