Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Boost Your Confidence - The 7 Step Guide

  1. Believe in yourself: The great Indian saint Swami Vivekananda once said: "Have confidence in your abilities.
    If you believe in 23 crores of gods and goddesses and yet don't have self belief, you won't be able to achieve your goal.
    " Self belief is the foundation of your success.
    So, have faith and belief in you abilities.
  2. Visualize your success: Visualization is a powerful tool.
    Before that examination or job interview, train you mind by visualizing yourself doing the chores successfully.
    The initial phases will be difficult when you mind will question the image and try to wander.
    However, be a strict disciplinarian and keep on visualizing the image on a regular basis.
    Soon, your subconscious mind will start believing the image and you won't have to force it to see the image of your success.
    At last, when the D-Day arrives, you will feel that you have already been through this and are pretty confident about the positive outcome.
    Such is the power of positive visualization!
  3. Talk to successful people: Try to meet successful people from different professions and listen to their triumphs and tribulations.
    When you learn that these people also had to face hardships and yet were successful will give you the encouragement to follow your dream without getting bogged down by hardships.
  4. Read the biographies and autobiographies of leaders: Reading about leaders who made a difference by their sheer persona and leadership qualities will keep the fire within you burning and boost the hunger to excel.
    As you read how these leaders had to overcome hardships and criticisms, you will gain a new strength to face difficulties and criticisms with élan.
  5. Talk to your image: Stand in front of a mirror and talk to yourself.
    While talking, look at your eyes in the mirror image.
    This will not only give you confidence as a speaker but will also help you to have better eye contact, the latter being a must-have trait as it shows your level of confidence and honesty.
  6. Ask friends to chip in: You can ask your friends to help with their positive criticism or feedback.
    Peer support plays a significant role in boosting one's self confidence and if you have a supportive and understanding group of friends, half the battle is won.
  7. Role play: Assuming different roles and playing out a particular situation is also a good way of increasing your level of confidence.
    Your role play partners could be your family members or friends.
    What is important is to have someone elder or more experienced one at the helm so that the proceedings can be smooth and the activity gives its desired positive results.

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