Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Fix a WAB DLL

    • 1). Click "Start," select "Search" then click "All Files and Folders."

    • 2). Type "Wab32.dll" and press "Enter" on your keyboard.

    • 3). Right click the file (if it shows up on the search menu) and select "Rename." If you cannot find the file, that means it was erased at some point, and you can proceed to Step 5.

    • 4). Type "Wab32.old" to replace the original name and press "Enter." Close the search window. Your address book information will remain intact after you rename the file, because the WAB.DLL itself does not store the information. Rather, it allows the computer to access the information in another location.

    • 5). Click "Start," select "Settings" then click "Control Panel."

    • 6). Select "Add/Remove Programs."

    • 7). Select the "Windows Setup" tab at the top of the menu. Click "Components," then uncheck the box next to "Microsoft Outlook Express." Click "Apply" and wait for the program to uninstall.

    • 8). Re-check the box next to "Microsoft Outlook Express." Click "Apply" to reinstall the program.

    • 9). Restart your computer.

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