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Exercise Balls Have Various Benefits

We all have heard about different fitness exercise machines and equipment. Many fitness and gym trainers use different accessories and methods to provide a fun exercise experience to their members. One of such great and fun filled equipment is exercise balls or Swiss balls. They have been used by physical therapists since 1960s and have become more popular throughout the fitness industry over last 5-10 years. Today, they are so popular that they can be easily found at almost all fitness equipment stores. They are so versatile and can be used in number of ways to improve over all health and body muscles. There are a number of benefits of using exercise balls as below

Balance These balls come in a variety of sizes and whichever size you choose, they will help in improving the balance and posture of your body. Working out on an irregular or unstable surface such as an exercise ball causes some muscular contractions in the body. These contractions help in improving balance and with continuous training body also tend to gain the right posture.

* Muscle Imbalances While performing exercises on a ball, muscles of all parts of the body work in the same direction to prevent you from rolling around. If the person keeps the force evenly distributed on both sides of the body, weaker muscles will come into action and will work proportionately as stronger ones. Thus, gradual training sessions will result into reduced muscle imbalances and a toned body.
* Development of lower body muscles Your spinal and core muscles get activated by using exercise balls. Many exercises performed with the ball result in better strength and higher endurance levels.
* Versatility These balls can be used along with any workout plan to add fun to it. Its been observed that many people especially kids enjoy working out with these balls.
* Stress free It is one of the best stress busters and people suffering from depression can really get out of it by training with them. They are also known for giving perfect massage to all body parts, which helps in soothing the sprained muscles. For instance, rolling out the tired feet gives a great feeling. You need to sit down with the ball on the floor so that you can control the pressure and roll up and down and all around to relax your nerves.
* Blood pressure flow - The entire action of rolling and controlling pressure on the ball stimulates blood flow and results into building strong cardio and back muscles.

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