Realizing Our True Essence of Power in Love
Love! What greater emotion is there? Of course, it is the greatest of all emotions.
When we feel love, we feel alive, healthy, enthusiastic, powerful, excited, worthy, happy, all the feelings that make life worth living.
Valentine's Day, for those that are single, can be difficult.
The day signifies love and has become the designated day to celebrate it through our relationships with others.
Why have we come to only celebrate love in relation to something outside of us? Love can and should be celebrated by all, whether or not there is a "relationship".
A celebration of life! When we come to know our truest form, we realize, we are Source energy which is all Love, making it possible to accept the expression of it into our lives more freely.
Then, and only then can we realize our greatest self.
The greater part of every one of us is the truest essence of Love.
So, when you discover love within, you're giving access to your greatest life experience! Love is the one thing and only thing that gives all of humankind the opportunity to stand equal.
The distinction lies only in to what degree we allow it access to our living.
It is the one thing we all have in common.
How or whether we choose to express it is what sets us apart.
It resides within everyone, whether or not we feel it or have an opportunity to share it.
Not experiencing it is only an indication that we are holding back from allowing ourselves to live from the core of our being.
Of what are we fearful? Fear is the enemy of Love.
When we neglect our truest desires from emerging, we stifle love.
When we see only through our eyes and hear only through our ears, we are neglecting our heart.
The deepest part of us knows love and craves its likeness.
When we begin to accept it and embrace it from within, as it being who we truly are, the Law of Attraction replicates more into our experience.
Of course, we all know the opposite is also true.
This does not mean we are without love.
It's purely an indication of the disallowing.
It is the burying of it, holding back and choosing to embrace the fear instead, which is a response to pain.
When we put our essence above our fear we will find our Love.
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
" ~Eric Fromm If we want peace, happiness and understanding in our life, we must begin from within.
True love is found in every moment we discover our desires and can be felt as we allow the opportunity for them to grow and have a place in our daily life.
As we embrace our passions, let go of our fears, and move only in the direction of our hearts desire, we will begin to, not only live a greater experience, but feel love as we express our truest self.
Then, and only then, can we begin to bring true love into our life outside of our self, in the evidence of another person or have the ability to give it to another.
All those in relationships can benefit even greater by allowing the essence of your truest self, the love within you, as an individual, to be nurtured and grow.
We all become stronger more powerful people as we awaken and embrace the love within our core and give it an expression.
Imagine life through the eyes of love, how grand an experience, warmth and acceptance on every side.
How great your smile would be! Colors would be brighter, days would be longer and our energy would be stronger.
Maybe then, stopping to smell the roses would mean, experiencing the beauty of their pure essence.
Embracing even the challenges with our children with love through concern instead of anger would be truly uplifting for both.
We all seek this and it is as close as looking within.
The opportunity to experience Love is available for everyone at every moment.
The question lies in how willing are we to allow it, moment by moment, thought by thought? "Love has no desire but to fulfill itself.
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
" ~Kahlil Gibran "Love one another and you will be happy.
It's as simple and as difficult as that.
" ~Michael Leunig I say, without accepting Self-Love we cannot express it to others, but with it, we won't be able to hold back from giving it to everyone and true happiness is eminent.
One cannot get there any other way.
It is that simple.
Embrace your power, celebrate your Love! Tips for finding Love: Awareness - The first step is the awareness that every one of us lives and breathes through our truest essence, our source of life, Source Energy, which is pure Love.
It is in us all.
We cannot separate from it.
We do, however, hide it pretty good sometimes.
But, it is always within us.
It is the greater part of us.
Look Within - Discover who you truly are.
Contemplate what excites you.
Think on the things that you're passionate about and decide to allow more of that into your daily life.
Discover also the things that don't feel good for you and change it.
Decide to discontinue allowing those things into your experience and, many times this only requires a simple change of perspective and not necessarily a revamping of the situation.
When you're truthful to yourself and when you stop seeking happiness outside of you, you'll begin to recognize your own true power within, which is where you'll find true Love.
When we feel love, we feel alive, healthy, enthusiastic, powerful, excited, worthy, happy, all the feelings that make life worth living.
Valentine's Day, for those that are single, can be difficult.
The day signifies love and has become the designated day to celebrate it through our relationships with others.
Why have we come to only celebrate love in relation to something outside of us? Love can and should be celebrated by all, whether or not there is a "relationship".
A celebration of life! When we come to know our truest form, we realize, we are Source energy which is all Love, making it possible to accept the expression of it into our lives more freely.
Then, and only then can we realize our greatest self.
The greater part of every one of us is the truest essence of Love.
So, when you discover love within, you're giving access to your greatest life experience! Love is the one thing and only thing that gives all of humankind the opportunity to stand equal.
The distinction lies only in to what degree we allow it access to our living.
It is the one thing we all have in common.
How or whether we choose to express it is what sets us apart.
It resides within everyone, whether or not we feel it or have an opportunity to share it.
Not experiencing it is only an indication that we are holding back from allowing ourselves to live from the core of our being.
Of what are we fearful? Fear is the enemy of Love.
When we neglect our truest desires from emerging, we stifle love.
When we see only through our eyes and hear only through our ears, we are neglecting our heart.
The deepest part of us knows love and craves its likeness.
When we begin to accept it and embrace it from within, as it being who we truly are, the Law of Attraction replicates more into our experience.
Of course, we all know the opposite is also true.
This does not mean we are without love.
It's purely an indication of the disallowing.
It is the burying of it, holding back and choosing to embrace the fear instead, which is a response to pain.
When we put our essence above our fear we will find our Love.
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
" ~Eric Fromm If we want peace, happiness and understanding in our life, we must begin from within.
True love is found in every moment we discover our desires and can be felt as we allow the opportunity for them to grow and have a place in our daily life.
As we embrace our passions, let go of our fears, and move only in the direction of our hearts desire, we will begin to, not only live a greater experience, but feel love as we express our truest self.
Then, and only then, can we begin to bring true love into our life outside of our self, in the evidence of another person or have the ability to give it to another.
All those in relationships can benefit even greater by allowing the essence of your truest self, the love within you, as an individual, to be nurtured and grow.
We all become stronger more powerful people as we awaken and embrace the love within our core and give it an expression.
Imagine life through the eyes of love, how grand an experience, warmth and acceptance on every side.
How great your smile would be! Colors would be brighter, days would be longer and our energy would be stronger.
Maybe then, stopping to smell the roses would mean, experiencing the beauty of their pure essence.
Embracing even the challenges with our children with love through concern instead of anger would be truly uplifting for both.
We all seek this and it is as close as looking within.
The opportunity to experience Love is available for everyone at every moment.
The question lies in how willing are we to allow it, moment by moment, thought by thought? "Love has no desire but to fulfill itself.
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
" ~Kahlil Gibran "Love one another and you will be happy.
It's as simple and as difficult as that.
" ~Michael Leunig I say, without accepting Self-Love we cannot express it to others, but with it, we won't be able to hold back from giving it to everyone and true happiness is eminent.
One cannot get there any other way.
It is that simple.
Embrace your power, celebrate your Love! Tips for finding Love: Awareness - The first step is the awareness that every one of us lives and breathes through our truest essence, our source of life, Source Energy, which is pure Love.
It is in us all.
We cannot separate from it.
We do, however, hide it pretty good sometimes.
But, it is always within us.
It is the greater part of us.
Look Within - Discover who you truly are.
Contemplate what excites you.
Think on the things that you're passionate about and decide to allow more of that into your daily life.
Discover also the things that don't feel good for you and change it.
Decide to discontinue allowing those things into your experience and, many times this only requires a simple change of perspective and not necessarily a revamping of the situation.
When you're truthful to yourself and when you stop seeking happiness outside of you, you'll begin to recognize your own true power within, which is where you'll find true Love.