Health & Medical Yoga

Meditation - Everyone"s Right to Relaxation

The word meditation carries with it a lot of pre-conceptions: it must be eastern, New Age, involve yoga postures, and be generally other-worldly.
Yet, it is not really mysterious or complicated at all.
But, rather the birthright of every individual to experience times of deep reflection and relaxation.
Meditation does not mean eastern, and it can be entirely non-secular.
Meditation can be as simple as counting your breaths or as deeply spiritual as chanting the names of God with prayerful devotion.
Most people who consider meditation today do so because they are seeking some relief from stress and anxiety.
They are looking for relaxation more than the goals offered by a steady, or devotional, meditation practice.
Yet there is nothing more peaceful than true spiritual meditation, such as the meditative recital of the the Jesus prayer, or the maha mantra.
Whatever your faith, you can enjoy the benefits of devotional meditation by selecting a verse, psalm, or phrase and dedicating yourself to reflecting on it silently, or by gentle repetition for a few minutes each morning and evening.
An easy way to get started with meditation is to learn one simple technique know to give ready results in reducing stress and invoking a sense of calm, and practice it daily, It's more beneficial to practice every day for just 10 minutes than to go for meditation marathons of an hour or more once a week.
Some practitioners find a simple breathing exercise calms their mind before they enter into a deeper meditation of their choice.
For other, who wish to meditate purely for some peace and relaxation that breathing exercise is enough.
Whatever your chosen faith or path, you cannot progress along it smoothly if you are under the distracting grip of stress, daily meditation keeps stress at bay and enables you to operate at your conscious best.
To make thoughtful choices and to be considerate to others is a natural side benefit or a regular reflective practice.
To run on uncomfortable automatic pilot is a hazard to your health, a waste of your intelligence and creativity and a distraction to your potential contribution as a human being.
Why not invest just ten minutes a day in the simple art of reflection that will help you feel at your best, and also give your best?

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