Health & Medical Yoga

Krounchasana (Heron)

In Sanskrit Krouncha means Heron.
It also means mountain.
In the Heron Pose or the Krounchasana one is seated with one leg bent back with the foot placed next to the hip joint.
The foot of the other extended straight leg is grasped with both hands; one lifts the leg straight up moving the foot towards the ceiling and the leg towards the torso.
Since the raised leg looks like a long neck of a heron, thus this pose is named so.
This asana can be performed as follows; * Sit on the floor with straightened legs stretched forwards in front of you or in the Dandasana pose.
Now bend your right knee and place the foot on the floor next to your right hip with your shin touching the floor.
* Your toes must be pointing backwards and the top of the foot should rest on the floor.
* All this time the knees are kept together and the hip bones on which you are sitting should each have equal weight on them throughout the posture.
* Also your pelvis should be aligned with both of your sit bones bearing equal weight.
* Also the correct height to elevate the leg's straight from buttock makes the pose safer and more beneficial.
* Now bend the left knee and grasp the foot with both your hands.
Keeping your spine elongated, open your chest and your sternum lifting as you fully straighten the left leg taking the foot up.
Bring the left leg as close as possible to your torso.
* You should keep your leg stretched and moving towards the torso.
* The spine should also remain extended.
* Now try to place your chin on the knee in this pose.
The head is when moving towards the leg it is the last movement that is made in this posture.
When you are doing so you must be sure that you keep your spine straight and extended.
* Now both hands cup the heel.
Keep equal weight on the hip bones.
* Hold this posture for a while.
* Then reverse the position of your legs with the other side holding it up for the same time duration.

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