The Bodybuilding Workout Schedule For Scrawny Dudes!
When you first looked at the magazine that had all the bodybuilders in it, you thought? Gees, I could never get to that type of body!” Of course you could with a lot of miracles I would naturally thin
Natural Healing - The Moment of Choice
Your healing program is in full force. You've got it all mapped out. Healthy foods, daily walks, refreshing of dusty personal relationships, forgiving the past, moving forward with courage and compassion. So goes day one. Day two: something happens.
Causes of Panic Attacks
Experts have determined that your genetics could possibly have a role. Check your family history and see if anything is present in older generations. It's the same way hair and color is passed down by one or both parents. If you have a panic disorder that runs in the family, see a doctor and se
Adhd - New Research Gives Families Hope And More Treatment Choices
The results from ADHD new research has been giving kids and parents new hope. What was originally seen as a behavior problem is now viewed as a medical condition with real symptoms. As a result, a var
Bipolar Treatment - Available Pharmacological Treatment For Bipolar Disorder
Presently, there is no known cure for bipolar disorder however; there are medical interventions that can control the symptoms and help people with this illness lead a full and productive life. This condition is a lifetime and recurring illness so people with the disorder need continuing bipolar trea
Understanding The Meaning Of Freedom And Mental Health
You may believe that this method of communication is not really effective, but you are not taking into consideration the effect of dreams in everyone's psyche. Many people made important decisions based on a vivid dream. Other people made important scientific discoveries thanks to the vision th
Mental Health Treatment Becoming More Common
More people are seeking mental health help than a decade ago, but most people with diagnosable mental illnesses still lack treatment, says a new study.
Drug Helps Those With Tough-to-Treat Schizophrenia
Clozapine already approved for use after other antipsychotics don't work
Definition of Developmental Delay
If your child is not sitting up, standing or potty training around the same time as her peers, she may have a developmental delay. Developmental delays can occur due to genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome, or from environmental misfortunes, such as when a child is exposed to lead poisoning.
Medicine for Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a mental condition that makes differentiating between reality and imagined experiences difficult. Causes of schizophrenia are unclear. Genetics plays a role, as do psychological and social factors. Antipsychotic medications are usually used in the treatment of schizophrenia.
3 Keys to Get Rid of Social Anxiety
There are unwritten rules that will help you answer the question How do I get rid of my social anxiety? Everyone experiences anxiety, but if it isn't dealt with it, it can overwhelm anyone. T
What Are the Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Excessive worry, physical tension, and an expectation of negative outcomes characterize generalized anxiety disorder, which 6.8 million people in the United States experience, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Ongoing worry and exaggerated concern can cause discomfort in mild ca
Types of Medicine for Clinically Depressed Teens
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 13 to 15 percent of adolescents aged 15 through 18 suffer from clinical depression. Clinical depression negatively affects a teenager's academic and social life and increases their likelihood of growing into depressed adults. Clinically de
ADD - ADHD - What is Your Purpose?
Have you ever for gotten to ask yourself, "Why?" That is, "what is the purpose of doing what I am doing?" For many of us with ADD, this is often times the case. Sometimes we exert significant effort toward a goal, before asking, "Why am I doing this?"
Living With Illness, Part Five
How to deal with chronic pain is a part of how we deal with illness. For some, they will turn to medicine or self medicate. Others will act if does not exist.
A Guide to DSM-5
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is now on shelves. What are the major changes, and how will they affect care?
An Overview of Cyclothymia, or Cyclothymic Disorder
WebMD explains cyclothymia, also called cyclothymic disorder, and how it differs from bipolar disorder. Plus, treatments, symptoms, and complications of living with cylothymia.
Reflection and Solving Our Problems
Positive reflections can give us energy and renew our faith when we don't feel good about our lives. Remembering our successes, someone who has passed on or remembering someone's encouraging words, can help us feel good in the here and now.
Alzheimer's Disease and Grief: Overcoming Four Types of Grief Associated With a Loved One's Dementia
Summary: Four types of grief may be associated with loving someone with Alzheimer's disease. These include 1) Loss of the "previous person," 2) Anticipatory grief, 3) Grief when the person dies, and sometimes 4) Complicated grief. This article also discusses moving on after grieving i
How to Cure Road Rage
Curing road rage is not an easy thing to do; it's easier to lose your temper and get into a confrontation with a tailgater or someone who has cut you off. Slow-motion traffic or just an all-round stressful day can further aggravate you. Knowing how to manage your stress levels can help prevent road