Understanding The Meaning Of Freedom And Mental Health
Our freedom on earth is not really true, since we are limited by many factors.
However we have the impression that we are free to do whatever we may desire.
We don't think about the consequences of our actions.
If you will think about all the horrors of the world you will realize that our freedom is dangerous.
However, God gives us freedom on earth because we must become conscious human beings.
If we didn't have the freedom to kill someone else we wouldn't understand the importance of social rules.
Our conscience must understand many moral aspects, even though we have the freedom to disregard our moral principles.
If we wouldn't be free to transform our reality and follow our own thoughts, we wouldn't be conscious creatures.
We would be robots without a personality.
We are free, but at the same time God tries to help us understand how to behave.
This is why He sends us many dreams with information and guidance.
You may believe that this method of communication is not really effective, but you are not taking into consideration the effect of dreams in everyone's psyche.
Many people made important decisions based on a vivid dream.
Other people made important scientific discoveries thanks to the vision they had in a dream, even without knowing the dream language.
There are many dreams that seem to be somehow comprehensible for our conscience.
The dream language is complex.
It gives us information about many different aspects at the same time.
When you will learn the meaning of the dream images based on the scientific method you will understand God's words.
Then, you will be able to understand the divine wisdom.
Your dreams transport you to different places where things that don't happen in your daily life can happen.
Dreams follow another logic.
They give you lessons with examples.
God tries to make you follow His logic, which is based on goodness and wisdom.
You have to abandon the selfish and idiotic logic of your human conscience and pay attention to the sensitive and philosophical language of your natural doctor; the divine unconscious mind.
You are used with violent reactions, lies, and various negative expressions.
You cannot easily understand God's purity.
The immorality that characterizes your anti-conscience (and also your human conscience) doesn't let you understand the meaning of innocence, purity, sincerity, and loyalty.
The immorality of the world imposes even more immorality to the immoral tendencies you already have.
This is why you are not able to perceive God's perfection.
In order to understand the precious information you have in dreams you must have the right attitude.
Besides having to learn the meaning of the dream symbols and the dream logic, you also have to understand your position and have the right attitude with God.
You are an imperfect sinner who must be corrected.
God produces your dreams in order to save your conscience from craziness, and help you develop your intelligence.
Your dreams contain important behavioral lessons, life lessons, and information.
You have information about other people and the world.
You also learn what will happen in the future.
By following the divine guidance in your dreams you understand the way God thinks.
You achieve a higher level of consciousness.
This means that your freedom to do whatever you may desire is not an advantage.
Only if will obey the divine guidance will you be successful in life.
Freedom can be considered an advantage if you will compare it to slavery.
Of course, it is better to be free, but your freedom is very dangerous.
You have to follow the right guidance instead of acting based on your suppositions.
Freedom is simply a basic condition for your development and evolution.
It is not a purpose.
You don't live in order to be free.
You are free because you are not a slave.
If you will waste your time doing whatever you may desire you won't follow an indispensable evolutionary process.
You must stop being a violent rational animal, and become a calm and sensitive human being.
However we have the impression that we are free to do whatever we may desire.
We don't think about the consequences of our actions.
If you will think about all the horrors of the world you will realize that our freedom is dangerous.
However, God gives us freedom on earth because we must become conscious human beings.
If we didn't have the freedom to kill someone else we wouldn't understand the importance of social rules.
Our conscience must understand many moral aspects, even though we have the freedom to disregard our moral principles.
If we wouldn't be free to transform our reality and follow our own thoughts, we wouldn't be conscious creatures.
We would be robots without a personality.
We are free, but at the same time God tries to help us understand how to behave.
This is why He sends us many dreams with information and guidance.
You may believe that this method of communication is not really effective, but you are not taking into consideration the effect of dreams in everyone's psyche.
Many people made important decisions based on a vivid dream.
Other people made important scientific discoveries thanks to the vision they had in a dream, even without knowing the dream language.
There are many dreams that seem to be somehow comprehensible for our conscience.
The dream language is complex.
It gives us information about many different aspects at the same time.
When you will learn the meaning of the dream images based on the scientific method you will understand God's words.
Then, you will be able to understand the divine wisdom.
Your dreams transport you to different places where things that don't happen in your daily life can happen.
Dreams follow another logic.
They give you lessons with examples.
God tries to make you follow His logic, which is based on goodness and wisdom.
You have to abandon the selfish and idiotic logic of your human conscience and pay attention to the sensitive and philosophical language of your natural doctor; the divine unconscious mind.
You are used with violent reactions, lies, and various negative expressions.
You cannot easily understand God's purity.
The immorality that characterizes your anti-conscience (and also your human conscience) doesn't let you understand the meaning of innocence, purity, sincerity, and loyalty.
The immorality of the world imposes even more immorality to the immoral tendencies you already have.
This is why you are not able to perceive God's perfection.
In order to understand the precious information you have in dreams you must have the right attitude.
Besides having to learn the meaning of the dream symbols and the dream logic, you also have to understand your position and have the right attitude with God.
You are an imperfect sinner who must be corrected.
God produces your dreams in order to save your conscience from craziness, and help you develop your intelligence.
Your dreams contain important behavioral lessons, life lessons, and information.
You have information about other people and the world.
You also learn what will happen in the future.
By following the divine guidance in your dreams you understand the way God thinks.
You achieve a higher level of consciousness.
This means that your freedom to do whatever you may desire is not an advantage.
Only if will obey the divine guidance will you be successful in life.
Freedom can be considered an advantage if you will compare it to slavery.
Of course, it is better to be free, but your freedom is very dangerous.
You have to follow the right guidance instead of acting based on your suppositions.
Freedom is simply a basic condition for your development and evolution.
It is not a purpose.
You don't live in order to be free.
You are free because you are not a slave.
If you will waste your time doing whatever you may desire you won't follow an indispensable evolutionary process.
You must stop being a violent rational animal, and become a calm and sensitive human being.