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Effective Strategies to Deal With Your Anxiety

Effective Strategies to Deal With Your Anxiety

Anxiety is a common occurrence today. Because of the stressors of life and the expectations from society, no wonder you are one of the millions of people worldwide suffering from it. Before the emotions kill you, you need to deal with it on its early onset. With the several options available, there
Diagnosis of Juvenile Bipolar

Diagnosis of Juvenile Bipolar

According to the Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation, as many as one million adolescents and children are affected by bipolar disorder each year.
What Are Should Statements?

What Are Should Statements?

Should statements are types of perfectionistic thought distortions common among those with social anxiety, that usually involve the word "should."
How to Handle a Teen With Suicidal Thoughts

How to Handle a Teen With Suicidal Thoughts

Suicide is routinely one of the leading causes of teen deaths. Thoughts of suicide by teens may stem from depression, lack of support, bullying, and alcohol and drug use. Stressful events such as a death, divorce, or a relationship ending can also lead to suicidal thoughts. If your child talks about
A simple definition of mental health

A simple definition of mental health

This article discusses Dr. Daniel Siegel's definition of mental health.
How to Stop Coughing Attacks

How to Stop Coughing Attacks

Coughing attacks may strike at any time, especially when you are suffering from a cold or flu. Preparing yourself for the occasional coughing attack may be the best way for you to deal with the problem. Carry cough lozenges, inhalers and allergy medicine in your purse or car so that you have everyth
5 More Mistakes Supporting an Addict With Bipolar Disorder

5 More Mistakes Supporting an Addict With Bipolar Disorder

If you are supporting a loved one with bipolar disorder who is also an addict, then you are in a difficult position. Unfortunately, you may be making some common mistakes that others in your position have also made.
How to Run a Children's Grief Support Group

How to Run a Children's Grief Support Group

The loss of a loved one for children is an extremely painful experience; especially if it's the loss of a parent, because in the mind of children, parents are supposed to protect them from harm. One way that children can cope with the loss of a loved one is to join a bereavement group. These groups
Assessing the Efficacy of an Assertive Community-Based Treatment Program

Assessing the Efficacy of an Assertive Community-Based Treatment Program

Can a team treatment approach designed to provide comprehensive, community-based psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation be effective in under-resourced communities?
OCD in the Home

OCD in the Home

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, is just one of the many kinds of anxiety disorders affecting millions of people around the world. People with OCD often find that they do specific rituals and these ...
How to Control Anxiety Through Diet

How to Control Anxiety Through Diet

Your diet has a huge effect on the quality of your life. The way you eat determines the way your body as well as your mind functions. Many times issues such as anxiety occur when your body is missing vital nutrients. Your body reacts to let you know that it's missing something. Follow a simple diet
Games to Teach Anger Management Skills in Teenagers

Games to Teach Anger Management Skills in Teenagers

The teenage years are filled with many emotions. Anger is inevitable, and it can feel magnified within the scope of a teenager's perspective and inexperience. Teaching teens anger management techniques through games helps them cope with anger. Healthy coping skills prevent anger problems from develo
Stage Fright Phobia

Stage Fright Phobia

The "stage fright phobia," or more simply "stage fright," is the fear of being in certain places or in certain situations, such as on stage, in front of people. The technical term for this fear is "topophobia" and understanding it and your own fear responses are the first steps in overcoming its eff
Care Fees and Self-Funding

Care Fees and Self-Funding

Thousands of people in care homes may be paying more for their care than is necessary as care homes play the system to their own advantage. Imagine your father is diagnosed with dementia and discharged from hospital into a nursing home following a full medical assessment by the NHS team.
Herbs That Aid Sleep

Herbs That Aid Sleep

The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person, but most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Insomnia is a disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. A variety of factors like stress, anxiety, aging, depression, caffeine and medications can interfer
Typical Points You need to Learn about Marriage Counseling And Therapy

Typical Points You need to Learn about Marriage Counseling And Therapy

Usually people noticed two various things about marriage counseling. The first one is successful marriage counseling as well as the other second one is not successful. You can discuss this counseling together with your friends ...
What Are Day Spas?

What Are Day Spas?

The concept of a spa is the idea of a place where a person can escape to get away from all the stresses and troubles of their daily living. They go to a place that's run by experts in arts of healing and therapy from all over the world, pay a sizable sum of money, and are pampered and treated l
How To Control Panic Attack

How To Control Panic Attack

The very definition of a panic attack implies that you have little or no control over it. An attack can come on very suddenly, and in an instant you feel extremely scared and anxious. Symptoms ...
Rate of Mental Illness Is 'Staggering'

Rate of Mental Illness Is 'Staggering'

A World Health Organization study released Tuesday shows that rates of most mental illness are far higher in the U.S. than in any other country in the world.