Health & Medical Mental Health

Adhd - New Research Gives Families Hope And More Treatment Choices

The results from ADHD new research has been giving kids and parents new hope. What was originally seen as a behavior problem is now viewed as a medical condition with real symptoms. As a result, a variety of treatments have been studied so that parents and physicians can better address children's needs.

The new studies for ADHD have looked at this disorder and determined multiple treatment modalities that can give a better overall result. While some parents believe that stimulants and other drugs are the only solution, other parents are using biofeedback, a good diet and natural remedies with great success. The reason prescription medications are so well known is that they are advertised in the media and promoted more often by the medical establishment.

One of the alternatives that the new studies for ADHD have shown to be effective is biofeedback or EEG treatment. In one study, this type of therapy was shown to reduce ADHD symptoms by 25%. Unfortunately, this was not a double-blind study, so although promising, this technology requires further study.

With regard to ADHD, new research has shown that just getting kids out in nature can alleviate symptoms. Not only will some time in the sun give your child much-needed vitamin D, it will also help your child to focus better. This research comes out of the University of Illinois and shows that in many ways, returning to a simpler, more natural approach to life is better and more beneficial for all of us, especially those who are struggling with disorders.

While drugs do work well for some kids, they can make other kids' symptoms much worse. This is why many parents are turning to natural remedies. Using proven herbs like Verta Alb, Hyoscyamus, Arson Iod and Verta Alb, these remedies have proven effective in the top ADHD new research which is why they are the number one treatment in alternative health circles and countries where the focus is on getting to the cause, rather than just suppressing symptoms with mind-numbing drugs. A formulation of the ingredients listed above will soothe hyperactivity, reduce impulsiveness and promote a relaxed calm alertness, so that your child can focus, listen, learn and get along with others.

The best thing about these natural ADHD remedies is that they have no side effects and no worries about addiction or long term use on a child's developing brain. Why take unnecessary risks with drugs when the new studies for ADHD inform us that these all natural formulations work?

Childhood is supposed to be a magical time of innocent fun and discovery of passion, strengths and talents. Why not take the results from these studies and give your child the best the natural world has to offer—sunshine, fresh food and a good quality natural remedy—so that he or she can enjoy a happy childhood that is as stress-free as possible.

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