Make Worrying at Thing of the Past and Free your Future
If you are overly obsessed about what may or may not happen tomorrow, you are totally missing the enjoyment of living each day of your wonderful life and depriving yourself of the excitement that your future may bring. Worrying never solved anything. In fact, it is probably is responsible for making your worst fears a reality.
Having a superior human brain means that you possess the wonderful abilities to anticipate what may happen and simulate it in your mind thousands of times before it actually happens. By the way, clinical hypnotherapists call this suggestion and imagination. These mental powers allow you to successfully walk across the street, enhance your enjoyment of that hug that you are just about to get. They also help you decide when it is best to take precautions when bad weather is expected. However, when these abilities run amok and begin making your life a total misery, it is time that you get some help. You don't want to get rid of your powers to anticipate and simulate. Rather, you want to learn to benefit from them by mastering their direction rather than becoming their slave. I normally call this mastery a matter of choice.
One of the biggest secrets often shared by hypnotherapists is that about 95% of your brain and just about a 100% of the rest of your body does not know the difference between a reality and a fantasy. This means that if you think something bad is going to happen, in your brain and body it is experienced just as if it is presently happening. And, as anything that you repeatedly practice becomes strengthened in your mind, constant worrying means that you are quickly turning into a master of negativity. Soon this begins affecting not just your happiness - and your relationships. Your body starts to react in the form of a diminished immune system, which becomes the gateway for a whole lot of physical problems.
If worrying is a pattern that is dominating your life, it is time to use those same powers of imagination to completely reverse the programming. Let's face it, if you don't control your power of imagination, it will control you. By understanding this, you quickly start the journey of becoming the master of your life - rather than its victim. Since rarely does anything good in life start without a positive thought, by choosing how you think you begin opening up a whole dimension of your life that you never thought possible.
Having a superior human brain means that you possess the wonderful abilities to anticipate what may happen and simulate it in your mind thousands of times before it actually happens. By the way, clinical hypnotherapists call this suggestion and imagination. These mental powers allow you to successfully walk across the street, enhance your enjoyment of that hug that you are just about to get. They also help you decide when it is best to take precautions when bad weather is expected. However, when these abilities run amok and begin making your life a total misery, it is time that you get some help. You don't want to get rid of your powers to anticipate and simulate. Rather, you want to learn to benefit from them by mastering their direction rather than becoming their slave. I normally call this mastery a matter of choice.
One of the biggest secrets often shared by hypnotherapists is that about 95% of your brain and just about a 100% of the rest of your body does not know the difference between a reality and a fantasy. This means that if you think something bad is going to happen, in your brain and body it is experienced just as if it is presently happening. And, as anything that you repeatedly practice becomes strengthened in your mind, constant worrying means that you are quickly turning into a master of negativity. Soon this begins affecting not just your happiness - and your relationships. Your body starts to react in the form of a diminished immune system, which becomes the gateway for a whole lot of physical problems.
If worrying is a pattern that is dominating your life, it is time to use those same powers of imagination to completely reverse the programming. Let's face it, if you don't control your power of imagination, it will control you. By understanding this, you quickly start the journey of becoming the master of your life - rather than its victim. Since rarely does anything good in life start without a positive thought, by choosing how you think you begin opening up a whole dimension of your life that you never thought possible.