Health & Medical Mental Health

Sexual Addiction and the Road to Recovery

Maybe it isn't as obvious as alcohol or drug addiction. Maybe it is as discreet as it can get. But the reality is sexual addiction has similar or even greater debilitation effect not only to the person involved but also to the family of the sufferer. Although becoming one can be problematic, it isn't the end of the road. In fact, recognition that you are an addict is the first step towards recovery.

But recognizing that you are a sex addict may be difficult since addiction attacks pleasure and pleasure can drive a person away from rationality or even morality. And so the first thing you have to do is to ask for help.

Family members, while they are the party that is badly hit, are also your first line of defense. Family members need to provide support and help the sufferer by creating an environment that promotes sexual sobriety. Family members need to remove sexual materials at home including magazines, videos and internet. Some families remove internet connection while others prefer using content filtering software to block undesirable websites. Also, avoiding places the trigger sexual desire like strip clubs and prostitution zones can be a great help. It would be helpful if you use geo-tracking locator so that the victim is always accounted for.

Find a person who understands sex addiction. A professional or a counselor can definitely help the sufferer overcome this addiction. A Certified Sex Addiction Counselor (CSAT) can provide therapies that can help you deal with addiction

A 12-step meeting can help. It may be difficult to walk into a room full of strangers and open up your life, but it really is very helpful. Try to make this a priority so that can fully give time and effort in going to the meeting.

Do something different. Change is good, especially if it is for the better. Do some activities that will keep you from sexual thoughts. Find a hobby, go to gym, attend classes, or going back to your friends you neglect before will definitely help you in a good way.

Reward yourself. As you replace old habits with new ones, do not forget to treat yourself for every little success or progress you made. It is nice to have something to look forward to. Set vacations, movie nights with friends, or give yourself a token for accomplishing something. Loving yourself and not obsessing to sexual thoughts are healthier and definitely a more fun thing to do.

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