Jokes & Riddles & Humor : Society & Culture & Entertainment

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Should Old Cartoonists Just Fade Away?

Should Old Cartoonists Just Fade Away?

I was sitting at my computer, as usual, designing new cartoon products from older cartoons, and working on my shoes designs on another business, and my wife, whose desk is directly behind mine said, "Why don't you start your cartoons again?" I kind of looked at her funny, and then my
This is Not an Essay!

This is Not an Essay!

This essay by its very nature couldn't possibly be an essay. I've studied this, researched it to the wee hours of the morning and my conclusion is always the same. It just doesn't work. An essay must tell the truth, it simply must be honest and show both sides of whatever it happens t
Tria For A Smooth, Hair Free Adventure

Tria For A Smooth, Hair Free Adventure

The laser technological innovation has actually right now made it possible to observe the hair growth lessened permanently so that one can easily bid farewell to all the razors as well as ointments. Also if ...
The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers

The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers

View a gallery of photo highlights from the Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers, held at CBS Studios on July 26, 2009 in Studio City, California.
Worn Out Sports Cliches

Worn Out Sports Cliches

Does anyone else loathe worn-out sports cliches? For instance, with each new NFL season, you will read about cornerbacks who live alone on an island or about someone being thrown under a bus. Can someone please create some new material?
Medical Advancements?Please?

Medical Advancements?Please?

With all of our technology, knowledge, understanding, advancement and progress, why is it that we still have to be subject to a gloved finger to determine our "health"?We put men on the moon, a rover on Mars, a space station and a telescope in orbit.Isn't it time to put technology to
My Life Would Be Carefree, If It Wasn't For MySpace

My Life Would Be Carefree, If It Wasn't For MySpace

I thought I had gotten rid of all the drama in my life but then I opened a Myspace account.
Passing Health Care

Passing Health Care

A political cartoon about the GOP complaints and Democrats' procedures mechanisms to pass health care reform.
Just Bakwass - Discount Card

Just Bakwass - Discount Card

To make you laugh and happy, our company has launched a website named €Justbakwass€. People, visit here not for €bakwass', go on for €just bakwass'. Come on for entertainment, get largest collection of latest funny ...
Wally World Part 2

Wally World Part 2

I must be a glutton for punishment.Think I can conquer the monster known as Walmart. Men are thick headed. There ladies I said it. We think we can conquer, fix, or figure out anything. Then we wonder why women go to the bathroom together! To talk about the stupid things their men do!Why do I go to W
Dumb Paul Ryan Quotes

Dumb Paul Ryan Quotes

A collection of crazy, stupid and outrageous quotes by GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan.
What Is a Dunk Tank?

What Is a Dunk Tank?

Dunk tanks are fun at festivals and can rise a lot of money. Most dunk tanks are so easy to set up it only takes one person and it is easy to maintain and operate one as well. Obviously, the person will fall when a lever is hit and they will fall into water hence the name "Dunk tank".
All About Adam Sandler

All About Adam Sandler

Read a biography of comedy, actor and former Saturday Night Live cast member Adam Sandler, one of the most successful movie stars of all time.


A short story about boogers, you need to read this one to your kids.
Mexican Marijuana Crop Washed out from Hurricane Stan Flooding

Mexican Marijuana Crop Washed out from Hurricane Stan Flooding

Many Marijuana Pot Smokers are quite worried that the increase in prices will hurt their healthy pot smoking habit. This just after the FBI indicated they would hire people who had smoked pot.
The Best Blonde Jokes

The Best Blonde Jokes

Blonde jokes are based on the premise that people (primarily women) with blonde hair are naive, gullible, and...well, just plain stupid.You would think that this simple premise would get old - but lo and behold it does not, the best blonde jokes are alive and well in the 21st century!
The Exploitationist Manifesto - A Management Revolution For Our Times

The Exploitationist Manifesto - A Management Revolution For Our Times

Managers of the world, exploit! You have nothing to lose but your pathetic, replaceable goons.
Do You Know Getting Your Ex Back Isn' t Hard?

Do You Know Getting Your Ex Back Isn' t Hard?

If you knew how to get a girl back, you would probably have gotten her back already. But, the thing is, it's not as complicated as you think it is. Sure, you have tried already to win her back, but to no avail, but that does NOT mean you cannot. But rather, it means your approach was wrong.
Palin Apocalypse

Palin Apocalypse

A political cartoon about Sarah Palin's 2012 presidential ambitions.
Greenhouse Gas

Greenhouse Gas

An editorial cartoon about President Bush paying lip service to combating global warming.