Jokes & Riddles & Humor : Society & Culture & Entertainment

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Communism vs. Fascism vs. Socialism

Communism vs. Fascism vs. Socialism

A sane protest sign that says, 'I understand the difference between communism, fascism, and socialism and don't use the terms interchangeably.'
Twice The Crime, In Half The Time!

Twice The Crime, In Half The Time!

As we learn daily in the national media, there's nothing wrong with America today that can't still be blamed on the guy who left the country in such a mess almost four years ago. You remember - when gas was around $1.90, unemployment was around four percent, and our national deficit was ar
Obama vs Demogogues

Obama vs Demogogues

A political cartoon about President Obama's failure to take on Glenn Beck's demagoguing.
Free Speech for Douche Bags

Free Speech for Douche Bags

A picture of a sign that says 'free speech for all, even douche bags.'
Trust Authentic Websites Only for Collectibles and Memorabilia

Trust Authentic Websites Only for Collectibles and Memorabilia

Often the impeccable performances of the great stars that you watch in a movie are crafted deeply in your memory and you want to preserve them as it is. If you are looking for something ...
Spirit of the Season

Spirit of the Season

A political cartoon about the insanity of the holiday shopping season.
Obama Halloween Costume

Obama Halloween Costume

A political cartoon about Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize, and Halloween.
Saturday Night Live Episode Recap

Saturday Night Live Episode Recap

Read a recap of Saturday Night Live episode 1568, hosted by Ashton Kutcher with musical guest Them Crooked Vultures. Original air date 2/6/10.
Petraues's Surge

Petraues's Surge

An editorial cartoon about Gen. Petraeus and the Iraq surge.
Patton Oswalt: Finest Hour - Comedy Album Review

Patton Oswalt: Finest Hour - Comedy Album Review

Read a review of Finest Hour, the fourth stand-up album from comedian Patton Oswalt, available on Comedy Central Records.
Who's The Weaker Sex?

Who's The Weaker Sex?

Although women don't play professional football or hit a golf ball as far or hit a tennis ball as hard as men do, I'm not sure women are the weaker sex.
Hairy Old GOP

Hairy Old GOP

A political cartoon depicting John McCain putting lipstick on the Republican pig.
Hope the Second Time Is the Charm

Hope the Second Time Is the Charm

A political cartoon about Obama's reelection victory.
Haunted House Magic By Brisbane Magicians

Haunted House Magic By Brisbane Magicians

Brisbane Magicians offer various kinds of occult magic that is very thrilling and entertaining. People with a hunger for thrill and adventure go to weird places like theme restaurants and haunted houses to watch their magic shows rather than sit as a couch potato in front of their television sets or
Government Shutdown Fail

Government Shutdown Fail

A political cartoon about Republicans' attempts to shutdown the government.
Team Building Games You Will Not Wish To Give Up Participating In

Team Building Games You Will Not Wish To Give Up Participating In

Often times, workers here the phrase "team building" and they run the other way. However, by choosing fun games, the staff will have a great time and learn some interoffice skills. For more information, click here...
Music Quotes - Instant Inspiration for Musicians and Composers

Music Quotes - Instant Inspiration for Musicians and Composers

The musicians getting stuck on a single chord for days on end is a common sight for anyone associated with someone with a musical background. The situation is similar to the 'Writers Block' experience
Debate Fact-Checkers

Debate Fact-Checkers

A political cartoon about fact-checking the presidential debates.
It's a Dog Thing

It's a Dog Thing

There are things our dogs do that we just don't understand (like eating cat poop). Here's a dog's explanation of why they do the things they do.
Get to Know America's Funny Sweetheart Tina Fey

Get to Know America's Funny Sweetheart Tina Fey

Read a biography of comedian, actress and author Tina Fey, former head writer of SNL turned Emmy-winning creator and star of 30 Rock on NBC.