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Meditation: Why and How?

Meditation or deconditioning has been scientifically proven to contribute to the improvement of your overall health. Hence, people all over the world are joining meditation courses to get its benefits of enjoying a stress and anxiety free life.

Deconditioning helps your mind settle inwardly much beyond the jumble of thoughts to know the very origin of it. This is pure awareness that takes place at your innermost self, which is the most silent and tranquil level of consciousness. The restful awareness that deconditioning promises makes your brain behave much more coherently and allows your body to gain deep relaxation.

Meditation courses in India emphasize on the very essence of deconditioning which lies in its thoughtless awareness. It can also be called de-concentration. However, it results in increased concentration. It allows you to visit your innermost self and relax with full awareness of your surrounding.

Why should you meditate?

Emotional benefits:

-- Reduced negative emotions

-- Enhanced focus on the present

-- Increased self awareness

-- Enhanced stress management

-- Better relaxation

-- Mindfulness

-- Better self control

-- Enhanced memory and performance

Its physical benefits include relief from:

-- Depression

-- Anxiety

-- Hypertension

-- Sleep disorders

-- Pain

-- Asthma

-- Allergies

-- Eating disorders

-- Fatigue

Actually, it is not possible to define the best benefits of deconditioning because it can only be felt. For example, you have a sense of awareness you may never have felt before. Moreover, the tranquility that you feel just by meditating for a few minutes a day is inexplicable. If you feel you cannot tread this path all alone, join meditation courses to get the necessary guidelines.

If you haven't yet joined meditation courses, consider joining meditation courses in India because India is after all the birth place of deconditioning; hence, you can get the best gurus here. Zmeditation is one such spiritual retreat where you can learn the best and the most effective ways of deconditioning.

How to Meditate?

Posture: Meditation courses teach you to sit upright, looking straight forward whether you are sitting on a chair, on the floor or on a meditation cushion. Slumping not only harms your spine but also drifts your attention. Your body and mind are inter-linked. If your body is balanced, so will be your mind. So sit straight.

Eyes: Whether you keep your eyes open or closed is entirely dependant on your comfort level. You can experiment to see which state you are more comfortable in.

Start with 5 minutes: If you think you can start with meditating for half an hour, then you may get disappointed. Only when you start with the practice can you realize how unruly your mind is. So, meditation courses in India say that setting a smaller goal makes it easy for you to achieve it. The time can obviously be expanded as you get better with practice.

Focus on your breath: As you breathe, you can focus on air getting in through your nostrils, passing into the throat and then filling your lungs and finally getting out through your parted lips. You can also count your breath, like 1 breath in, 2 breath out and so on. Start all over again if you lose track.

Meditation Courses say that focusing on your breath is indeed a practice of mindfulness. It is an effective way of training your mind to focus.

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