Lice dog- caution, cure and treatment
The lice lay egg at the base of the dog hair. Thus it is protected from scratching and accidental smashing. Like human head lice dog lice do not transfer from dog to dog by jumping. As mentioned earlier, they are almost inert. But it does not mean that your dog is completely safe. If it comes in contact with another dog and if this dog is a lice dog then your dog is not safe. It is better to treat your dog with anti lice shampoo once in a while for this reason. Especially if you dog have been to a kennel or a park recently, it is better to be on the safer side for the sake of the dog.
Lice are often misunderstood for dirt since they do not move and because they reside so deep in the hair of the dog. Unlike mites dog lice are not responsible for hair loss. Live lice action can be seen in a video made by Sean T Carroll. This video is available on the internet for public viewing.
The dog lice are also different from the lice cat is infected with. It can in some ways, be compared to lice horse is contaminated with. When infested by scabies dog develop patchy skin. This portion of the skin is dry and a little bumpy. This same condition can be observed in lice dog as well.
There are some home remedies to lice treatment like the use of Neem and ginger but the use of chemical products in right quantity is always fast and more effective.
Protection against some other types of mites can be as follows.
1) Fleas: For fleas dog is a prey when it is outdoors in tall grass or wooded areas. Treat you dog to shampoos and other products that kill fleas.
2) Ticks: the case for ticks is same as fleas. For ticks dog is a victim if it wanders in a damp area or an area near a water reservoir.
Lice are often misunderstood for dirt since they do not move and because they reside so deep in the hair of the dog. Unlike mites dog lice are not responsible for hair loss. Live lice action can be seen in a video made by Sean T Carroll. This video is available on the internet for public viewing.
The dog lice are also different from the lice cat is infected with. It can in some ways, be compared to lice horse is contaminated with. When infested by scabies dog develop patchy skin. This portion of the skin is dry and a little bumpy. This same condition can be observed in lice dog as well.
There are some home remedies to lice treatment like the use of Neem and ginger but the use of chemical products in right quantity is always fast and more effective.
Protection against some other types of mites can be as follows.
1) Fleas: For fleas dog is a prey when it is outdoors in tall grass or wooded areas. Treat you dog to shampoos and other products that kill fleas.
2) Ticks: the case for ticks is same as fleas. For ticks dog is a victim if it wanders in a damp area or an area near a water reservoir.