Kidney & Urinary System : Health & Medical

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Urine Leakage Not Due to Childbirth

Urine Leakage Not Due to Childbirth

Reasearch claims childbirth has nothing to do with whether a woman suffers urinary incontinence after menopause.
Vegetarian Diets for Kidney Stones

Vegetarian Diets for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, hard chemical clumps of crystals in the urinary tract, are a common disorder. The most common type of stone contains calcium and either oxalate or phosphate, which are found in food and form human bone and muscle, but there are several other types as well. Avoiding some...
Reasons for Continuing Bladder Infections

Reasons for Continuing Bladder Infections

Women often develop a bladder infection for three days and men for between seven and 14 days, but a prolonged bladder infection can last between six months and two years, according to MedlinePlus (See Reference 1). Usually doctors can treat a bladder infection with antibiotics, but sometimes the inf
Advances in Urology: Focus on Prostate Cancer

Advances in Urology: Focus on Prostate Cancer

Against the backdrop of a paradigm shift for low-risk disease, new therapies for high-risk disease promise to be practice changing.
Diet for Renal Kidney Failure

Diet for Renal Kidney Failure

When an individual's kidneys are no longer able to get rid of all of the waste they would normally remove, the person is diagnosed with renal kidney failure. The waste comes from the food and the liquids that are consumed by a person on a daily basis. In some cases, dialysis treatment is necessary w
10 Common Mistakes in the Management of Lupus Nephritis

10 Common Mistakes in the Management of Lupus Nephritis

Are the most common ways to treat lupus nephritis necessarily the most effective and the safest? This new study takes a look.
Prognosis of Kidney Dialysis

Prognosis of Kidney Dialysis

Kidney dialysis is the use of a dialysis machine to remove toxins from the blood when the kidneys, which normally remove them, are not functioning. The prognosis for patients receiving dialysis is better the sooner they can stop the treatment.
Planning Optimal Dialysis Access for an Individual Patient

Planning Optimal Dialysis Access for an Individual Patient

What factors should clinicians take into consideration when planning for hemodialysis in individual patients?
Urinary Tract Infection Cure

Urinary Tract Infection Cure

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection affecting any part of the urinary tract: kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra. Most often the urethra and bladder, the lower part of the urinary tract, are affected. UTIs are painful and involve burning sensations when urinating, a constant ur
Is MRI Useful in Guiding Prostate Biopsies?

Is MRI Useful in Guiding Prostate Biopsies?

Dr Gerald Chodak reviews a new study that compared the results of prostate biopsies guided by MRI with those using standard ultrasonography.
Drug Use and Nephrotoxicity in the Intensive Care Unit

Drug Use and Nephrotoxicity in the Intensive Care Unit

Are there certain drugs given in the ICU that are most commonly associated with nephrotoxicity, and how can clinicians prevent this potentially serious complication? This new study takes a close look at the issues.
High Altitude Associated With Lower Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates?

High Altitude Associated With Lower Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates?

A Swiss study, published in the August 11, 2009, issue of Circulation, scrutinizes data drawn from a large, population-based cohort.
Symptoms of a Prolapsed Bladder

Symptoms of a Prolapsed Bladder

A prolapsed bladder, or cystocele, occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments become weakened or stretched, causing the bladder to sag against or into the vagina. According to the American Urological Association Foundation, stress on the area during childbirth is a significant factor in the
CKD in Disadvantaged Populations

CKD in Disadvantaged Populations

How can increased community and clinician outreach and better access to preventive medicine help disadvantaged people most at risk for developing CKD?
What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Kidney Infection?

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Kidney Infection?

A kidney infection originates in your urinary tract and eventually travels to your kidneys. If you begin feeling symptoms associated with a kidney infection you must get treatment immediately because a prolonged infection can permanently damage your kidneys. Consult your doctor if you have symptoms
Dosing at Night to Cause BP 'Dipping'

Dosing at Night to Cause BP 'Dipping'

Prescribing short-term blood pressure medication could help patients achieve 'dips' overnight and reduce their risk for cardiovascular events, reports Dr George Bakris.
Signs & Symptoms of Male Urinary Tract Infection

Signs & Symptoms of Male Urinary Tract Infection

The kidney, ureters, bladder and the urethra are the main components of the human urinary system. Urinary tract infection, also called UTI, is defined as a medical condition caused by infections (mostly bacterial infections) to any of the components of the urinary system mentioned above. Most common
Progressing to ESRD: Are All BP Goals the Same?

Progressing to ESRD: Are All BP Goals the Same?

George Bakris talks to Carmen Peralta about a key study that uses KEEP screening data to identify blood pressure levels in kidney disease that lead to progression to ESRD.
About Effective Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections

About Effective Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections

A urinary tract infection is a type of bacterial infection. It can involve any part of the urinary system, including the urethra--the tube that transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body, bladder, kidneys and ureters.
What to Do With Pine Ash?

What to Do With Pine Ash?

Pine wood is often burned in wood stoves and fireplaces. When the fire is well managed, only ash is left behind. The ashes from just a few fires may be tossed away in the trash if your municipality allows organics to be mixed in with other trash. However, if there is a significant seasonal accumulat