What Do We Know About Managing BP in Patients With CKD?
What do the latest clinical guidelines tell us about the management of blood pressure in patients with CKD? Are there any new drug therapies for clinicians to consider?
The Effects of Frequent Nocturnal Home Hemodialysis
Is nocturnal hemodialysis administered at home safe, or are there certain risk factors involved? This study investigates.
What Are Common Bladder Problems?
Bladder stones, overactive bladder and chronic bladder infection are the most common bladder problems.
Tips for Dealing with Overactive Bladder
Learn tips to cope well with an overactive bladder, whether you're at work, on the road, or at home.
Pay for Performance and Control of BP in People With CKD
Do renal-specific indicators in a primary care pay for performance (P4P) system help clinicians to better manage CKD?
PIVOT: 'Important New Information' on Prostate Cancer
Men with early prostate cancer do not benefit from surgery, reports Dr. Gerald Chodak.
How to Decrease Uric Acid
Purine is a substance that is found in the body and in the foods that we eat. When purines break down, they produce a waste product called uric acid. Under normal circumstances, uric acid harmlessly passes through the body and is eventually eliminated when we urinate; however, uric acid can be dange
What Do We Know About Managing BP in Patients With CKD?
What do the latest clinical guidelines tell us about the management of blood pressure in patients with CKD? Are there any new drug therapies for clinicians to consider?
Will Bundling Create Disincentives for Home Hemodialysis?
In this video blog, Jeffrey Berns, MD, of UPenn School of Medicine, discusses a government report about the cost differences between in-center hemodialysis, home dialysis, and peritoneal dialysis.
Do Metabolic Factors Increase Mortality in Prostate Cancer?
A new study emphasizes the importance of addressing the metabolic syndrome in patients with prostate cancer, reports Dr. Gerald Chodak.
Nephrology, February 2006
Does earlier referral to a nephrologist of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and early nephropathy slow the progression of renal damage compared with later referral?
Treatment of Mixed Urinary Incontinence
Mixed urinary incontinence is the term used for incontinence problems that arise from more than one source. It is not generally defined as a distinct medical condition, but is rather the simultaneous presence of two or more medical conditions in one individual. Treatment for mixed urinary incontinen
Ankle Edema & Kidney Disease
Ankle edema is also known as swelling of the ankles. In people with kidney disease, swelling of the ankles indicates that kidney function has declined. Proper treatment is needed to reduce the risks associated with swollen ankles and kidney disease.
How Long Does it Take for Antibiotics to Work on a Bladder Infection?
Bladder infections (also known as urinary tract infections or cystitis) are very common and most people will experience at least one in their lifetime. Although bladder infections are not serious, they can be painful and inconvenient. If left untreated, these minor infections can lead to more seriou
Procedure for Incontinence
Incontinence is a medical condition whereby you leak urine. Incontinence varies in severity, such as leaking urine when you sneeze or cough, to having the strong urge to urinate and not being able to reach a restroom in time. Initially your physician will try less invasive techniques to help you con
Urinalysis Collection and Results in Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Learn best practice methods for a clean catch specimen in patients with pelvic organ prolapse.
Food & Urinary Tract Infections
A urinary tract infection, also called a UTI, can occur in the bladder, kidneys, urethra or ureters. In serious cases, UTIs may require hospitalization, but most infections are quite mild and can be dealt with at home. Home treatment of urinary tract infections often involves consuming or avoiding s
On Vacation With Incontinence
Urge and stress incontinence follow you wherever you go -- but you can still enjoy vacations.
Car Paint & Kidney Damage
Research has brought forth that hydrocarbons and other chemicals in car paint can cause permanent kidney failure. For an auto body painter, this is a serious concern since long-term exposure is an occupational hazard. Take preventive steps and follow general safety guidelines issued by medical exper
Measuring Potassium in Kidney Disease: What You Should Know
George Bakris, MD, talks to Domenic A. Sica, MD, about how to measure potassium and the important concepts to watch out for in the patient with kidney disease.