How to Correct a Low Thyroid
- 1). Consult a physician if you are experiencing unexplained fatigue, facial puffiness, dry skin or a rasping voice, all common symptoms of hypothyroidism. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms in conjunction with the results of a simple blood test that measures thyroid hormone levels. Correctly identifying low thyroid function as the cause of these symptoms is the first step in correcting the problem.
- 2). Take the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Levothroid, Synthroid) daily as directed by your physician. Levothyroxine is an oral medication that gradually returns the body's hormone concentration back to normal levels. Patients usually are less fatigued and see improvement in other symptoms after two weeks. Your doctor will likely monitor your hormone levels after two or three months and adjust your levothyroxine dosage accordingly.
- 3). Try dried animal thyroid hormone instead if advised by your physician. While most doctors usually prescribe levothyroxine, a natural hormone drawn from pig thyroids is also obtainable by prescription. Do not mistake this product for the glandular distillations sold in natural food shops, which are not under the control of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and whose efficacy, therefore, cannot be guaranteed.
- 4). Take your medication on an empty stomach unless advised otherwise by your physician. While there is no "hypothyroidism diet," excess nutritional fiber may affect your ability to absorb thyroid medication. Some foods and drugs may also inhibit absorption. These include walnuts, soybean flour, antacids and iron supplements. If you want to consume these, do so a few hours before or after taking thyroid medication.
- 5). Alternate hot and cold compresses to the throat and neck, as contrast hydrotherapy may help correct low thyroid function. Apply three minutes of hot, then one minute of cold. Do this three times in one sitting. Repeat two to three times per day.
- 6). Discuss using herbal treatments as supportive therapy with your physician. Though these supplements are generally safe, confirm with your doctor that they will not interfere with your prescribed medication. Experts at the University of Maryland Medical Center recommend extracts of coleus and guggal to correct low thyroid function, as well as to help build up and support the body's weakened systems.