Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

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Cocaine Use and Its Effects

Cocaine Use and Its Effects

WebMD examines cocaine use, including how the illegal drug affects the body and brain.
How to Quit Smoking - Discussing a Feasible Approach That Works

How to Quit Smoking - Discussing a Feasible Approach That Works

Smoking, like all other addictive habits, develops with time; therefore, quitting for good is something that can be achieved over time as well. People perceive the possibility of how to quit smoking like a myth and seemingly impossible.
Associates in Alcohol and Drug Counseling Inc of Orland Park IL

Associates in Alcohol and Drug Counseling Inc of Orland Park IL

Substance abuse treatment services offered by Associates in Alcohol and Drug Counseling Inc of Orland Park IL
Will Stop Smoking Programs Help You?

Will Stop Smoking Programs Help You?

Stop smoking programs are more successful when nicotine replacement is combined with counseling and support. They are abundant and are there to assist the smoker to quit successfully in a reasonable amount of time, and offer support and advice when it gets tough. Stop smoking programs are given at l


Definition of the drug slang term 'Tweaking' from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse glossary of drug street terms.
How Smoking Weed Affects the Brain

How Smoking Weed Affects the Brain

The Basic Chemistry Of MarijuanaMarijuana is made up of more than 400 different chemicals. More than 60 of these chemicals are cannabinoids. Cannabinoids form in the human body after cannabis (marijuana) is metabolized. They are psychoactive compounds. The most prominent kind of...
How to Find Out If Someone in Your Life Has an Alcohol Abuse Addiction

How to Find Out If Someone in Your Life Has an Alcohol Abuse Addiction

What is an alcoholic? Where is that line between frequent drinking and alcoholism, between alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse addiction? While some say that only the person drinking can decide whether he/she has an alcoholic addiction, there are clear signs to indicate when someone has a drinking
Stop Smoking Aide - Miracet - Ways It Can Work for You

Stop Smoking Aide - Miracet - Ways It Can Work for You

Miracet is a new stop smoking aide that has hit the market running. It has been proven in numerous surveys that nicotine replacement aides are an effective treatment to help smokers quit. Now, by using ...
FDA Gets a Hold of 510 E Cigarettes

FDA Gets a Hold of 510 E Cigarettes

E-cigarettes certainly are a hit for individuals who want to change their old sticks for electronic versions. Health agencies, nonetheless, are worried of the health risks associated with electronic l
73-Year Anniversary Medallion

73-Year Anniversary Medallion

Pick up a clipart version of a 73-year anniversary medallion.
High Tower Place Womens Facility of Clinton IA

High Tower Place Womens Facility of Clinton IA

Substance abuse treatment services offered by High Tower Place Womens Facility of Clinton IA
40 U.S. Deaths a Day from Prescription Painkillers

40 U.S. Deaths a Day from Prescription Painkillers

40 Americans a day die from prescription painkiller abuse. The CDC blames rogue doctors at pill mills and urges strong state laws.
Nicotine - Addictive Substance Or Just a Habit?

Nicotine - Addictive Substance Or Just a Habit?

Non smokers don't understand why smokers don't simply throw away their cigarettes and be done with it. Smokers do not do this because smoking tobacco isn't simply a bad habit. It is incredibly addictive.
Importance of Alcohol Rehabilitation

Importance of Alcohol Rehabilitation

If you are in dire need of alcohol rehabilitation, solution is at your doorstep. The remarkable recovery process that will help reintegrate you into your family and the society is available. You will be saving a life and preventing violence associated with alcohol when you make it a point of duty to
Try These 10 Ways to Quit Smoking

Try These 10 Ways to Quit Smoking

Smoking is perhaps the hardest of all addictions to overcome. This is why you cannot quit smoking unless you are absolutely determined to do so no matter how hard it is and how long it takes. This article was written to suggest to you 10 ways to quit smoking that have worked for others. You must rem
Getting Clean With Alcohol Detox Programs

Getting Clean With Alcohol Detox Programs

If you choose to stop drinking, and are looking for the best option to get clean, alcohol detox is possibly the toughest, yet the best way to go about quitting. Since you remove the alcohol from your system entirely, rather than try to do so gradually, you know it is going to be tough at first, but
Lackland Air Force Base of San Antonio TX

Lackland Air Force Base of San Antonio TX

Substance abuse treatment services offered by Lackland Air Force Base of San Antonio TX
Should You Stop Smoking

Should You Stop Smoking

Methods and reasons to stop smoking
Change To Convenience: Vape An E-cigarette

Change To Convenience: Vape An E-cigarette

One of the many exciting new products around would be the e-cigarette, which happens to be aiming to get rid of the tobacco cigarette as the preferred strategy for men and women to have their nicotine fix, but isn't as toxic or inconvenient as smoking a cigarette.
Pennsylvania Al-Anon Meetings

Pennsylvania Al-Anon Meetings

Find an Al-Anon Family Group meeting near you in Pennsylvania.