Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Try These 10 Ways to Quit Smoking

Smoking is perhaps the hardest of all addictions to overcome.
This is why you cannot quit smoking unless you are absolutely determined to do so no matter how hard it is and how long it takes.
This article was written to suggest to you 10 ways to quit smoking that have worked for others.
You must remember not to get discouraged no matter how many times you fail.
As you go through the 10 ways to quit smoking and find the one you want to try, remember that you will be fighting temptation no matter which one you go with.
The goal of each of these 10 ways to quit smoking is to help you stay away from the habit until you get past the urge to smoke.
If one way fails you several times, you may wish to consider trying another of the 10 ways to quit smoking.
You should also consider whether you're giving it everything you've got.
Then try again.
Do not give up.
You must simply choose to become more determined each time you fail.
Then choose one of the 10 ways to quit smoking again and give it your full effort.
Whatever you do and whichever of the 10 ways to quit smoking you choose, avoid self-defeating thoughts.
You may wish to start by making a list of all of the reasons you should quit smoking.
Every hour throughout the day you can make one of them your theme for the hour.
After a couple weeks you can simply choose to make a theme of the day each day.
While you're working on your 10 ways to quit smoking, do a few other things to increase your physical and mental stamina.
Start on an exercise program such as walking 30 minutes per day.
Aim to drink about 90 to 110 ounces of water per day.
Go to bed at least two hours before midnight and wake up each day just as the sun is coming up.
Keeping yourself as fit as possible when you quit smoking will help you last through the withdrawal symptoms as you work on one of the 10 ways to quit smoking.
Do not neglect your spiritual health, as studies have proven that the most effective addiction breaking programs involve calling on a higher power.
Now here are the 10 ways to quit smoking: 1.
Distract yourself.
Do not get stuck sitting alone with nothing to do.
Get involved in sports, games, exercise, or any group activities you can find to join.
If you do have down time, spend it in a place where smoking is not allowed.
A week before you try to quit, switch to a distasteful cigarette brand.
You won't crave it as much when you quit.
Try gradually reducing how many cigarette sticks you smoke.
Get to where you are smoking half a cigarette per day, then cut it to a quarter cigarette per day, and then cut it to every other day until you can go several days without having the urge to smoke.
Each day, start smoking 20 minutes later in the day than the day before.
Start by not smoking today.
Then try it again tomorrow.
When you fail, start over by not smoking the following day.
Brush your teeth straight after meals to avoid the urge to smoke.
Have a friend willing to help you.
Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, have your friend come stay with you or go hang out with your friend until the urge subsides or you fall asleep.
Throw away your cigarette lighters, matches, and ashtrays.
Don't buy them no matter what, even if you relapse to smoking.
Every time you feel the need for a cigarette, drink 16 ounces of water.
However, do not drink more than 160 ounces in one day.
Find someone else who wants to quit and addiction.
Hang out together 24/7 for a couple weeks and don't allow the other to relapse.

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