Resources for assistance in smoking cessation are included here. Find out where you can get help with quitting smoking. Resources for information also provided about the health risks of smoking.
Kiamichi Council on Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse of Hugo OK
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Kiamichi Council on Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse of Hugo OK
Lakeside Milam Recovery Centers of Edmonds WA
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Lakeside Milam Recovery Centers of Edmonds WA
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Denial: Breaking Through the Excuses
For people in the throes of alcohol and substance abuse, one of the biggest barriers to treatment is denial that there is a problem. Denial can persist for years and keep the addict from accepting that there is a problem even in the face of substantial evidence otherwise. But once the addict moves b
The Facts About Marijuana Addiction
Marijuana use in the United States has been increasing dramatically, spurred by recent legislation authorizing medical use of marijuana and decriminalizing possession of small amounts of this plant. In fact, marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the country, with users numbering in the tens of
1/3 Fully Recover From Alcoholism
More than a third of U.S. adults who were dependent on alcohol are now in full recovery, says the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
Behavioral Health Center of Greensboro NC
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Behavioral Health Center of Greensboro NC
Quit Smoking Tips: An enthusiastic proceeding to deal with smoking!
Quit smoking tips may be sturdy to trail but if followed with an ambition to defend you from the monster of smoking can give an immense assistance.
Water Pipe
Photo of a glass water pipe or bong used mainly to smoke marijuana.
Quitting Smoking Through the Eyes of a Hypnotherapist
Learn how to trade in the patches, the gum, the lozenges, the prescription drugs for a natural and easy resource for quitting smoking. Hypnosis will allow you to take back full control and achieve your most desired goals.
Is New Drug Detox and Rehab Drug Combination a Viable Treatment Option?
There's a new drug currently being tested by Las Vegas drug courts. The drug, Prometa, which is actually a combination of three drugs already approved for other uses, is being marketed by Hythiam, Inc. - although the company's marketing practices have been criticized as unethical - as part
How to Break the Smoking Addiction
Smoking addiction affects one in three adults around the world. It may be widespread but it can definitely be beaten. Find out more in this article.
Highly Functioning Alcoholics: The Dangers
A highly functioning alcoholic is a person where most people in the life of the drinker are not aware there is a problem. This is because highly functioning alcoholics do not let their alcoholism interfere with their ability to carry on normal daily activities. They perform satisfactorily in their j
Adult Counseling and Educational Servs of Arlington Heights IL
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Adult Counseling and Educational Servs of Arlington Heights IL
The Mental Hurdles to Quitting Smoking - What's Stopping You?
Failed every time you've tried quitting smoking? These mental hurdles could be what's holding you back.
Fresh Start of Denver CO
Substance abuse services offered by Fresh Start of Denver CO.
Do You Show The Lifestyle Of An Overcomer?
When we are firmly fixed ‘in Christ,’ we can become settled into a position of victory over past bondages. It will be the only way for us to get past our past.
Community Outreach Services Inc of Deland FL
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Community Outreach Services Inc of Deland FL
Family Meal Time -- Try This Delcious Gilroy Garlic Shrimp Dinner
The meal includes recipes I've found on Garlic shrimp, tangy caulifower, citrus kale salad and a side of quinoa.
Stop Smoking Side Effects - Learn How You Can Overcome What Causes Most Smokers to Continue Smoking
If you are wondering what the side effects of quitting smoking are, then you are afraid to stop smoking. What we need to do though is look at smoking in the opposite light. We need to ask ourselves why is it that non smokers do not have these side effects which you have?