Personal Grievance: How To Find Out About The Facts About How To Deal With
When an employee feels personally aggrieved about a work situation in which they believe that they have been unfairly treated, they can find relief under the laws regulating personal grievance in the workplace. Covering any grievance against an employee, including unfair or unjustified dismissal, ha
10 Ways an Employment Solicitor Can Help You
Worried about equal rights at work? Been discriminated against? Updating your employee handbook? Find out how an Employment Solicitor can help you.
California Law on Maternity Stays
California has strict laws regarding maternity stays following the birth of a child. Any hospital or medical facility violating such laws should be reported to the California attorney general.
Employee Testing Rights
Employees have certain rights when it comes to being subject to testing by their employer or potential employer, especially during the interview process. However, not all employees may refuse testing and some must submit to testing, such as drug screens, in order to keep their job.
About Canada Work Permits
Persons who want to gain work experience in a foreign country can, if they take the proper steps, accomplish this by working in Canada. The requirements are straightforward and require the foreign worker to seek and receive a job offer in any Canadian province.
NYC Labor Law
The New York City labor laws were enacted for the working population to provide and regulate humane working conditions. In the early 19th century, the main areas of concern dealt mostly with ensuring fair wages and the protection of the health and safety rights of both the workers and the general pu
The Number One Reason Companies And Supervisors Lose Lawsuits Brought By Employees
The most important legal conversation supervisors need to have, is with their human resources department concerning the subject of proper documentation. This is an area where supervisors cannot afford to get things wrong. When you are ordered into court to answer and defend yourself against a lawsui
Workplace Harassment and Bullying
Work place harassment can come in many forms. It can come in as threats, inappropriate comments, words, gestures, intimidation, displaying sexist or racist pictures, and even physical violence.
Law Regulations That Address the HIPAA
Patient records are confidential by law.medical inventory image by Pix by Marti from Fotolia.comIn 1996, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, or HIPAA, into law. The purpose of the Act was to improve continuity of medical insurance coverage for those...
How to Stop Discrimination in the Work Place
Discrimination in the workplace isn't just inappropriate, it's illegal. Employers need to take every measure possible to safeguard employees against these issues. This includes creating thoughtful procedures and policies and delivering that information in an effective manor. .
How to Pass the Written Police Exam!
The written exam part of the police entrance test can differ from one state to another, some police departments have written tests provided by state organizations like POST (Peace Office Standard and Training). Some agencies have tests written for them by companies who specializes in police written
Criteria for FMLA
Workers may take off up to 12 weeks for medical emergenciesMedical instruments image by Keith Frith from Fotolia.comThe Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a national program created by the United States Department of Labor in 1993. The purpose of FMLA is to help employees balance...
Federal Laws Against Employment of a Felon
Some federal laws restrict the employment of felons.barbed wire image by igor_kell from Fotolia.comThe repercussions of a crime in one's past doesn't always end at the prison gates. People convicted of felonies lose a number of their rights, including the right to work certain jobs or...
Labor Laws in Arizona
Labor laws in Arizona protect workers from unfair practices.aktenkoffer image by binagel from Fotolia.comLike most states, Arizona has several labor laws in place to protect its workers. These laws cover everything from discrimination in the hiring process to unemployment benefits. As a...
End of Employment in Thailand and the Right to Severance Pay
Undue termination of employment is a worldwide epidemic. As all working people aim to achieve financial security, loss of a job for unfair reasons is demeaning whatever the cause may be.
Attorney Labor Laws
FLSA guidelines govern attorneys in most instances.handsome men image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.comThe Fair Labor Standards Act is a federal employment law that sets a national minimum wage and provides overtime to qualified employees. Several states have also adopted their own, more...
Financial Stability After Work Injuries
When you suffer an injury at work, you may be put out of commission for a while during your recovery. During this downtime, you will likely lose wages from your job since you cannot work. This can cause you to become overwhelmed with bills and debts.
Do You Want a New Job? Be Honest - You Can Be Sure They Will Do a Background Check
Should you be one of the millions that are currently looking for work, you should be absolutely sure that you are now being honest on your resume in addition to application. Why? There are numerous reasons, one of them being that employers can afford to be picky.
Issues in Tip Sharing
Many restaurants and bars across the country require their employees to pool their tips into one big reserve which is then divided across all employees evenly at the end of the night. Playing into this is that the restaurant may pay the employees less than minimum wage and then use the tips to bring
Cambodia Labor Law
Cambodia's labor law was codified in the Labor Code for the Kingdom of Cambodia on January 10, 1997, by the National Assembly. Although most of the labor force works in small-scale agriculture, Cambodia is host to many international corporations, including Gap, Nike and Wal-Mart. The garment sector