How to Stop Discrimination in the Work Place
- 1). Make sure your employee manual includes anti-discrimination policies. Create clear examples of workplace discrimination to clarify any questions employees may have.
- 2). Test employee knowledge. Require employees to read policies and discuss any questions they may have. Holding question and answer sessions can be an effective way to deal with concerns. Once the information has been delivered to employees, test their knowledge to solidify the information.
- 3). Require policies to be reviewed annually. Have employees read the policies and take an exam annually to keep the information fresh. This will ensure employees don't lose sight of the importance of stopping workplace discrimination.
- 4). Hold special diversity training for managers. Managers and executives should receive a higher level of training. They should be trained in fostering diversity and preventing discrimination in the workplace.
- 5). Resolve allegations of discrimination quickly. All claims of workplace discrimination should be investigated quickly. If the offender if found to be guilty, punishment should be delivered immediately. This can include termination or probation. All consequences should always be documented in writing to protect the company from legal action.