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How to Care for Tree Trunks

    • 1). Plant the tree in an area that will have enough room for the tree's trunk size and root diameter. Contact a local university extension service for info on the mature height and width of the tree.

    • 2). Apply mulch to a depth of 2 to 4 inches to retain moisture around the trunk and prevent grass or weeds from growing around the trunk. No grass means the mower is not needed around the trunk. Mowers are a common cause of injuries of the tree trunk.

    • 3). Cover the trunk of the tree with a tree wrap, available from most gardens centers, before the first frost of the year to prevent sun scalding or freeze damage and splitting, which occurs during a quick temperature change. Also use a plastic tree wrap if rodents are gnawing on the trunk.

    • 4). Clean out any loose wood or debris in cavities that appear in the trunk to prevent rot and to keep the area undesirable to rodents.

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