Internet Crimes Against Children - A Growing Threat
The Internet can be the most wonderful and dangerous place for our children to play.
In spite of all of the warnings by the media and police agencies, the problem seems to be growing.
Just about every one of the articles and documentaries addressing this problem come up with the same solution - parents! They need to get much more involved with what their children are doing while surfing the web.
It's just too easy to meet people on a child's computer monitor.
It's even easier when the computer is located in the child's bedroom away from the eyes of their only protection - parents.
This is a comparatively new problem, which has materialized over the past 15 years or so.
Any child 15 years old, or younger grew up with computers available just about anywhere that they went.
School, libraries, friends houses and of course several rooms in their house.
I suspect that those 15 year-olds and younger don'tknow anyone in their age group that doesn't have a computer and access to the Internet.
This problem will never go away.
It will only get worse as computers get smaller, faster, more powerful and cheaper.
This growth in computing power has changed our world forever.
The main problem with this is that the "bad-guys" of the world know how to use computers as well.
They also know that they can hide their true identity all the way up to the time when they attempt to meet someone face-to-face.
By then, it's often too late, especially if it's an unsuspecting child.
This is my first Ezine article, and I wanted to briefly address some concerns that I have had for the past ten years regarding safety on the Internet for our children.
I'm still not convinced that parents in general fully understand the risks.
There are places that you can go to get help in understanding more about this problem.
There are also a lot of people out there who are trying to do everything that they can to help protect your children.
One of the best places to go for help is to the national Center for Missing and Exploited Children website.
comYou should get to know them to help protect your children and hopefully have a familiar place to go should you need their help.
Fortunately, there are more and more people learning about what they can do to help with this problem in every city throughout the USA.
These are your local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
This is the crime that they most want to prevent in any way possible.
Our company has been offering law enforcement scholarships at no cost to police officers around the country for the past eight years in an effort to help them get trained on how to prevent these kinds of crimes against our children.
In spite of all of the warnings by the media and police agencies, the problem seems to be growing.
Just about every one of the articles and documentaries addressing this problem come up with the same solution - parents! They need to get much more involved with what their children are doing while surfing the web.
It's just too easy to meet people on a child's computer monitor.
It's even easier when the computer is located in the child's bedroom away from the eyes of their only protection - parents.
This is a comparatively new problem, which has materialized over the past 15 years or so.
Any child 15 years old, or younger grew up with computers available just about anywhere that they went.
School, libraries, friends houses and of course several rooms in their house.
I suspect that those 15 year-olds and younger don'tknow anyone in their age group that doesn't have a computer and access to the Internet.
This problem will never go away.
It will only get worse as computers get smaller, faster, more powerful and cheaper.
This growth in computing power has changed our world forever.
The main problem with this is that the "bad-guys" of the world know how to use computers as well.
They also know that they can hide their true identity all the way up to the time when they attempt to meet someone face-to-face.
By then, it's often too late, especially if it's an unsuspecting child.
This is my first Ezine article, and I wanted to briefly address some concerns that I have had for the past ten years regarding safety on the Internet for our children.
I'm still not convinced that parents in general fully understand the risks.
There are places that you can go to get help in understanding more about this problem.
There are also a lot of people out there who are trying to do everything that they can to help protect your children.
One of the best places to go for help is to the national Center for Missing and Exploited Children website.
comYou should get to know them to help protect your children and hopefully have a familiar place to go should you need their help.
Fortunately, there are more and more people learning about what they can do to help with this problem in every city throughout the USA.
These are your local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
This is the crime that they most want to prevent in any way possible.
Our company has been offering law enforcement scholarships at no cost to police officers around the country for the past eight years in an effort to help them get trained on how to prevent these kinds of crimes against our children.