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A Creative Way to Become a Better Internet Marketer - Contribute Before You Collect

This is an easy lesson for you to become a better internet marketer.
Contribute before you collect.
What does this mean? This means give away as much information to everyone that is seeking it.
Many people are looking for new creative ways to make money on the internet.
So they are seeking information.
You goal is to be that person they seek for this information! Be that person that they can trust and you potential prospect will keep coming back to you for more information.
Many times, this person will end up joining your business because you are now someone they can trust.
You also become that expert that they are seeking.
You have now contributed enough and now the time will come where your prospect is ready to join you! This is the "new school" way of doing things.
The "old school" way was just the opposite.
Everyone would pitch their idea first! They are trying to collect first, then contribute.
These people are known as the money chasers.
The ones that want to make a quick buck and forget the possible team member.
This still actually goes on today! People actually think they can collect before they contribute.
Some get away with this, but soon find their business diminishing from all the unhappy costumers.
A lot of people are looking for creative internet marketing ideas to better their business.
So here are some creative ways to contribute to potential prospects before collecting from them: 1.
Get active in forums - here you will find plenty of people looking to get started with a business and are seeking information.
Be that person they can obtain useful information.
Many people ask questions in forums, be the one to answer them! 2.
Social media.
This is a very popular way to get acquainted with new people.
Check out their profile and offer some information to them that will help their business.
If they are in a MLM, direct them to a knowledgeable site for them to benefit from.
Make a video that answers a popular question.
Many people go to You Tube to find a video that answers their question.
Be that person they find! Make sure you title that video with the question they ask.
Videos are great because people get to actually see you in action.
Email people articles that may pertain to their concern or question.
Autoresponders are great for your leads because you can contribute though emails to your list.
Sending your leads helpful blogpost, articles, and videos will show them you really care about their success.
These are just a few ways you can contribute before you collect in your internet marketing business.
What is all comes down to is: Being that person that is there to answer their question and provide the information they are seeking so you become the person they can trust.
So a creative way to become a better internet marketer is to contribute before you collect.
I appreciate the opportunity to serve you, Greg Schmidt Internet Marketer

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