Safecracker PC Game Hints
- When you solve the puzzle and get the right combination, the safe door will open. Remove the items from the safe and then close the door. If you close the door before removing items, it will be locked and you might never open it again. The only way to get into the safe after that happens is to start over by loading a previously saved game.
- The mansion has a safe in every room on every floor. To open the safes, you must check for clues around the house. Some clues are found on papers scattered on the floor and tables, but other combinations will be found only in another safe. When you find papers that hold clues to a combination, write it down because you cannot take the clue with you.
- The game ends when you have managed to open the last safe, in a secret room. It is up to you to give Duncan's money to one of his family members. The choice is yours--but in the game, you encountered clues that point to the person who is the most deserving. The clues give a bit of history about each family member. Give the money to the only relative who stayed in contact with Duncan.
- Some of the clues you will find around the mansion are red herrings. If you have tried the hints on all of the locks and it does not work, it is a false clue meant to lead you in the wrong direction. Simply collect the fake clues to keep track of them.