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How to take care of tropical flower gardens

Tropical flower gardens are gardens where you find most of the plants growing within these gardens have their natural habitats between latitude 23 degrees south and north of the equator.

Tropical flower gardens would be in flower through out the year but in the northern hemisphere such as USA, canada, britain, they would only do best during summer. As the name suggests, tropical flower gardens tend to simulate tropical conditions for the flowers to grow.

Some of the most common plant species found in tropical flower gardens are like Heliconia, anthurium, birds of paradise or Strelitzia,many kinds of palms, bamboo and orchids among others.

The tropical flowers that originated from the tropical rain forests like the Amazon, the equatorial rain forests of Africa and Asia all fall in this category and to grow then successfully in your tropical flower garden you would need to simulate these conditions. This will call for some investment in a greenhouse structure, humidifiers and heating system to be successful outside the tropics.

Tropical flower gardens survive best in hot humid climates and will suffer from frost injury if grown out-door during winter. They therefore need to be grown in a controlled environment where the climate can be controlled as per their requirements.

The kind of environment may be such as indoor in green houses which would need heating during winter otherwise all the plants would die. This may be a very expensive undertaking but it is worth it considering the beauty that well selected and planted tropical plants present.The cut flowers are exotic in appearance and very pricy because of the efforts and investments put in place in producing them away from their natural habitats

It is very exciting to own a small greenhouse full of these exotic flower plants that will flower anytime of the year so long as the temperatures are regulated.
The point to note here is that before starting tropical flower gardens, your major consideration will be the climate and how you will modify the environment in order for your plants to grow successfully.

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