Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Simple Steps to Bring the Passion Back in Your Relationship

Do you feel like your relationship has lost a step because the two of you have been together for so long that you know your partner's next step, move or phrase? If so, it is time to reintroduce yourselves to each other so you can fall in love all over again, like teenagers in June.
Most couples would love the opportunity to return to their head over heels days, but are busy with careers, school, kids, and the responsibilities of running a home full time, which means the first thing to go is the intimacy you two used to share regularly.
You are not the first couple to feel as if life is getting in the way of how they feel about each other.
The result is often damaging, as most couples feel as if their happiness is no longer a priority, when nothing could be further from the truth.
Learning to communicate effectively, and show the person you have loved for so long that they are still number one in your life is easier than you think.
It does not take a lengthy vacation, or a knock down drag out fight to prove your point.
What it does take is a little empathy, passion and excitement to reclaim the jubilant love life you once had and enjoyed with such fervor all those years ago.
Your partner deserves the best you that you have to offer at all times, and the only way to do that is to be happy and healthy in your love life.
Stop looking for all the things you wish you had in others, and go after it in your very own relationship.
Often individuals feel as if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but imagine if you were able to water your side with kindness, affection and the occasional date night -- even if it is in your own back yard.
The results would be amazing! It is time to re-learn all of the wonderful things you knew about maintaining a healthy relationship before the years started to pass you both by.
You both know that you love each other, and there is no doubt that your life together has made each of you the happiest people on the planet, when you stop and think about it.
If you are ready to put each other first again, and steal away time for just the two of you -- even with a houseful of kids, take action in stead of finding excuses.
Spend time together, date each other again and rediscover why you fell in love in the first place.

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