Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Build a Home Basketball Court

    • 1). Jot down the basic size of your proposed court area on scratch paper. A standard National Basketball Association court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide, but you can create any size court you want.

    • 2). Call your local city or county offices and ask if you need a building permit to construct a basketball court on your property. Costs for such a permit vary according to location.

    • 3). Hammer a stake in the ground to mark one corner of the court. Measure down from this point to the opposite corner, and hammer a stake to mark the length of one of the court's sides. Hammer stakes to mark the remaining two corners, and tie nylon cording along the tops of the stakes to make a visual guideline.

    • 4). Use a spade and a point-end shovel to remove the sod covering the rectangular play area. Dig the area down about 2 inches into the soil, and work the soil with the shovel until it's soft. Flatten and smooth the soil until it is level; use a carpenter's level to ensure maximum evenness. Your court surface can be asphalt or concrete. It's best to hire a contractor to lay an asphalt court, but you can do the concrete yourself.

    • 5). Mix the concrete according to the manufacturer's guidelines. The amount you'll need is determined by the size of the playing surface. Pour the concrete into the dug-out space or shovel the mixture in until the concrete is level with the soil. Use a hand float to smooth the top of the wet concrete until its level, once again using the level to ensure maximum evenness.

    • 6). Allow several clear and sunny days for the concrete to set up properly. If rain is in the forecast, build a small covering over the area to protect the curing concrete. Once the surface is dry, paint the appropriate lines, including a half-court line if you built a full court, free-throw lines and three-point lines. Position a free-standing portable basket at either end of the court.

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