A graceful departure each night ensures a bright life next morning. Part-1.
A graceful departure each night ensures a bright life next morning. Part-1.
You may address the evening as a chill moment but the way I observe it with most it is in fact a reverse of what you may mean to express€¦ the evening or the late evenings are generally stuffed with most. The stuffing whether in food, thought, emotion or general conduct of life makes the fairing very heavy and uneasy. Before we finally retire for the bed the mind mandates its priorities in form of its most favourite diet; the evening diet with most of us is served through one and only delivery service known as €the television'. Television serves our choicest cuisine right within our homes and gives us the absolute liberty to consume its thought meals while sinking into obtuse postures of all worlds€¦
Carrying along the stuffed bag of our entire day along with the puffed stuff from the illusory world of entertainment we initiate for a departure€¦ that we term as sleep€¦ when we were born the our systems were already loaded with some operating system and one activity of that €OS' was to retire into sleep. Unlike computers the sleep was not merely designed for relaxation instead it was designed and installed with a much higher purposes. It is although that the human beings know little about the actual fact of this particular driver installed within ourselves known as the €sleep'.
The design of the cosmic creator was intended to align its entire creation through some procedure of interactivity so that the hologram state is maintained all through€¦ it is therefore that the creator installed a system at the ends of human consciousness by the name €sleep' wherein several layering of our €awareness' should align and benefit out of the sharing amidst various levels of our existence. To understand the above line in the simplest manner; any human being as established prevails with his awareness at three major levels namely the €conscious', €sub conscious' and the €unconscious' €¦ to name they are merely three whereas in actual each of them also is borne with some kind of multi layering.
While driving a vehicle i.e. right behind the driving seat at the steering wheel you dispense justice with various assignments at one point of time€¦ you do justice with manoeuvring of the vehicular traffic on the road, you do justice with manoeuvring of the driving part of your vehicle, you do at times do justice with the discussion going on with the person sitting beside€¦ and at the same time you also remain engaged within your mind that is processing the navigational part, prioritized activities ahead etc. This is merely about a division of your conscious levels that is known as the peripheral end€¦ this has no mention to the other two levels mentioned as sub conscious and unconscious€¦ though they too prevail and operate their business independently and entangled as well€¦
Look my friend all this goes on within the same human being that is exclusively unaware of all such happenings€¦ sleep was designed as a interlude from the waken state of a human being so that the other two levels of our awareness could easily align with the peripheral one and the synchronicity is able to manage the entire cleaning, intuitive, proper storage and enrich the mortal brain and body for the next life approaching the very next morning. These few lines encompass a vast voluminous detail of what exactly transpires within us during the phase of €sleep' hours.
In order to allow nature to operate in its exclusivity it is foremost that all interruptions are stalled so that it (nature) can perform as true justice with its parent design. Likewise €sleep' too is an activity wherein the nature comes itself for its due dispensation provided it is allowed to operate unhindered. Now what are the hindrances? All stuffing bag packed from the activities of the day besides the stuffing from the very last activity of entertainment chokes the passage for any and every possible alignment between different levels of our awareness. The fragmented awareness when falls on to the bed then the entire €sleep time' is consumed to unpack the stuffing and before it is accomplished the time for the €sleep hour' goes up€¦ The time is up and the hung parliament is there to contend and contest its norms for the next day€¦ I hope this last one liner is enough to explain what generally experiences are with a morning that should/could have been anew and indifferent. My previous words go Despite of the fact that with most of us the night goes to the account of turnings right and left devoid of even entering its (sleep) threshold.
What if the hour of sleep could enjoy its exclusivity and enable the course of the original game plan play its symphony€¦ the sleep hour should then become as an hour of becoming€¦ becoming of what we we want to be€¦ moving the way nature envisaged for us; live, loaded with energy, defying all impediments with ease and joyous moods€¦ Well synchronized and in absolute control€¦ believe me life should have been different. Come we shall travel a bit of it more in the part-2 of the same article. To be continued€¦ desire2will.com.dinesh kumar. Learning under discipline.
You may address the evening as a chill moment but the way I observe it with most it is in fact a reverse of what you may mean to express€¦ the evening or the late evenings are generally stuffed with most. The stuffing whether in food, thought, emotion or general conduct of life makes the fairing very heavy and uneasy. Before we finally retire for the bed the mind mandates its priorities in form of its most favourite diet; the evening diet with most of us is served through one and only delivery service known as €the television'. Television serves our choicest cuisine right within our homes and gives us the absolute liberty to consume its thought meals while sinking into obtuse postures of all worlds€¦
Carrying along the stuffed bag of our entire day along with the puffed stuff from the illusory world of entertainment we initiate for a departure€¦ that we term as sleep€¦ when we were born the our systems were already loaded with some operating system and one activity of that €OS' was to retire into sleep. Unlike computers the sleep was not merely designed for relaxation instead it was designed and installed with a much higher purposes. It is although that the human beings know little about the actual fact of this particular driver installed within ourselves known as the €sleep'.
The design of the cosmic creator was intended to align its entire creation through some procedure of interactivity so that the hologram state is maintained all through€¦ it is therefore that the creator installed a system at the ends of human consciousness by the name €sleep' wherein several layering of our €awareness' should align and benefit out of the sharing amidst various levels of our existence. To understand the above line in the simplest manner; any human being as established prevails with his awareness at three major levels namely the €conscious', €sub conscious' and the €unconscious' €¦ to name they are merely three whereas in actual each of them also is borne with some kind of multi layering.
While driving a vehicle i.e. right behind the driving seat at the steering wheel you dispense justice with various assignments at one point of time€¦ you do justice with manoeuvring of the vehicular traffic on the road, you do justice with manoeuvring of the driving part of your vehicle, you do at times do justice with the discussion going on with the person sitting beside€¦ and at the same time you also remain engaged within your mind that is processing the navigational part, prioritized activities ahead etc. This is merely about a division of your conscious levels that is known as the peripheral end€¦ this has no mention to the other two levels mentioned as sub conscious and unconscious€¦ though they too prevail and operate their business independently and entangled as well€¦
Look my friend all this goes on within the same human being that is exclusively unaware of all such happenings€¦ sleep was designed as a interlude from the waken state of a human being so that the other two levels of our awareness could easily align with the peripheral one and the synchronicity is able to manage the entire cleaning, intuitive, proper storage and enrich the mortal brain and body for the next life approaching the very next morning. These few lines encompass a vast voluminous detail of what exactly transpires within us during the phase of €sleep' hours.
In order to allow nature to operate in its exclusivity it is foremost that all interruptions are stalled so that it (nature) can perform as true justice with its parent design. Likewise €sleep' too is an activity wherein the nature comes itself for its due dispensation provided it is allowed to operate unhindered. Now what are the hindrances? All stuffing bag packed from the activities of the day besides the stuffing from the very last activity of entertainment chokes the passage for any and every possible alignment between different levels of our awareness. The fragmented awareness when falls on to the bed then the entire €sleep time' is consumed to unpack the stuffing and before it is accomplished the time for the €sleep hour' goes up€¦ The time is up and the hung parliament is there to contend and contest its norms for the next day€¦ I hope this last one liner is enough to explain what generally experiences are with a morning that should/could have been anew and indifferent. My previous words go Despite of the fact that with most of us the night goes to the account of turnings right and left devoid of even entering its (sleep) threshold.
What if the hour of sleep could enjoy its exclusivity and enable the course of the original game plan play its symphony€¦ the sleep hour should then become as an hour of becoming€¦ becoming of what we we want to be€¦ moving the way nature envisaged for us; live, loaded with energy, defying all impediments with ease and joyous moods€¦ Well synchronized and in absolute control€¦ believe me life should have been different. Come we shall travel a bit of it more in the part-2 of the same article. To be continued€¦ desire2will.com.dinesh kumar. Learning under discipline.