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310-302 braindumps

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310-302 Exam
Sun Certified Network Administrator for Solaris 10 OS
Exam Number/Code : 310-302
Exam Name : Sun Certified Network Administrator for Solaris 10 OS
Questions and Answers : 317 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-08-19
Price: $ 70.00

Exam : SUN 310-302
Title : Sun Certified Network Administrator for Solaris 10 OS
1. You are creating a plan to increase network security. Which two network topologies and devices should be phased
out? (Choose two.)
A. bus
B. hub
D. switch
E. bridge
Answer: AB

2. You configure a second network connection on a server and attempt to configure the server to route packets
between the two interfaces.
The snoop command reveals that packets are arriving on both interfaces, but the server is refusing to forward packets
between interfaces as required.
What two commands can be used to verify that the Solaris system is configured to forward IP packets between these
two interfaces? (Choose two.)
A. routeadm
B. netstat -r
C. ndd -get /dev/ip \?
D. ndd -get /dev/udp ip-forward
E. ndd -get /dev/ip ip_forwarding
Answer: AE

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