Law of Attraction- You Need Action Not Just Attraction
When the book, The Secret, came out it thrust the law of attraction back into the spotlight.
This has lead to a lot of criticism of the book because for many people they don't fully realize how to use the law of attraction.
For many people once they read the book, The Secret, and learned about the law of attraction, they simply sat on their couches and started visualizing money coming to them magically.
Well you can sit on the couch all you want but if you want things to come to you, you need to take action.
In order for the Law of Attraction to work its magic you need to work and work hard at taking action.
This is where many people will fail when it comes to the law of attraction.
It is natural for people to want things to come easily to them without any effort on their part.
The Law of Attraction is not new, not to anyone who has set goals before or has even purchased a new car!Why is the law of attraction like buying a new car?Because what happens once you buy a new car?Suddenly when you are driving you realize lots of other cars that are the same model as yours.
Is this magic? No.
It is just your brain realizing what you like and want and looking for it.
This is why setting goals is so important.
You are telling your brain what you want to focus on and what you want to attract into your life.
This way when opportunities present themselves to you, your brain remembers what you want and tells you to act on it.
A great way to get these goals into your subconscious is through automated affirmation software.
If you don't' want to get automation software, which is easy to build with basic html, just post your goals on your refrigerator.
When you post your goals in areas you walk by all the time your brain is reminded of your goals, even if you don't consciously read them.
If you are reading this article you are likely already putting the law of attraction to work in your life, just remember to take the necessary action.
This has lead to a lot of criticism of the book because for many people they don't fully realize how to use the law of attraction.
For many people once they read the book, The Secret, and learned about the law of attraction, they simply sat on their couches and started visualizing money coming to them magically.
Well you can sit on the couch all you want but if you want things to come to you, you need to take action.
In order for the Law of Attraction to work its magic you need to work and work hard at taking action.
This is where many people will fail when it comes to the law of attraction.
It is natural for people to want things to come easily to them without any effort on their part.
The Law of Attraction is not new, not to anyone who has set goals before or has even purchased a new car!Why is the law of attraction like buying a new car?Because what happens once you buy a new car?Suddenly when you are driving you realize lots of other cars that are the same model as yours.
Is this magic? No.
It is just your brain realizing what you like and want and looking for it.
This is why setting goals is so important.
You are telling your brain what you want to focus on and what you want to attract into your life.
This way when opportunities present themselves to you, your brain remembers what you want and tells you to act on it.
A great way to get these goals into your subconscious is through automated affirmation software.
If you don't' want to get automation software, which is easy to build with basic html, just post your goals on your refrigerator.
When you post your goals in areas you walk by all the time your brain is reminded of your goals, even if you don't consciously read them.
If you are reading this article you are likely already putting the law of attraction to work in your life, just remember to take the necessary action.