Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Facial Blushing

Facial blushing can be an embarrassing condition, and one has to learn to cope with it.
This article will look at the causes of facial blushing, how it can affect the lives of those who struggle with it, and what can be done to cope with it and finally overcome it.
So that's a lot of ground to cover - let's get started right away.
Strangely enough, even though the advances of modern science have made it possible to fly to the moon and back, neither scientists nor medical expert have an idea what exactly causes blushing.
But there are a couple of things that can help to understand why flushing affects mainly some areas of the face - particularly the cheeks.
The reason for that is simply that the blood vessels in this area are a bit larger, and are located more closely to the skin - which makes it more visible when blood flows through them.
The effects of facial blushing can be emotionally devastating for people.
For example, asking somebody out for a date is a situation that very few people are comfortable with - but when you flush, that discomfort shows, and makes the whole thing worse.
The whole game of dating is to a certain extend based on making-belief and displaying strength and confidence, even if you do not feel confident inside.
But to people who blush easily, this is just not possible.
Their insecurity shows on their face.
In order to overcome facial blushing, it can help to simply acknowledge the blushing verbally before it appears.
Just say: "I think I am about to blush" every time you feel the heat building up.
Behavior therapy can also help to step by step reduce the shyness and embarrassment and build up confidence, which can help to overcome this problem.

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